predict.causal_survival_forest {grf}R Documentation

Predict with a causal survival forest forest


Gets estimates of tau(X) using a trained causal survival forest.


## S3 method for class 'causal_survival_forest'
  newdata = NULL,
  num.threads = NULL,
  estimate.variance = FALSE,



The trained forest.


Points at which predictions should be made. If NULL, makes out-of-bag predictions on the training set instead (i.e., provides predictions at Xi using only trees that did not use the i-th training example). Note that this matrix should have the number of columns as the training matrix, and that the columns must appear in the same order.


Number of threads used in training. If set to NULL, the software automatically selects an appropriate amount.


Whether variance estimates for τ^(x)\hat\tau(x) are desired (for confidence intervals).


Additional arguments (currently ignored).


Vector of predictions along with optional variance estimates.


# Train a causal survival forest targeting a Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST)
# with maximum follow-up time set to `horizon`.
n <- 2000
p <- 5
X <- matrix(runif(n * p), n, p)
W <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
horizon <- 1
failure.time <- pmin(rexp(n) * X[, 1] + W, horizon)
censor.time <- 2 * runif(n)
Y <- pmin(failure.time, censor.time)
D <- as.integer(failure.time <= censor.time)
# Save computation time by constraining the event grid by discretizing (rounding) continuous events.
cs.forest <- causal_survival_forest(X, round(Y, 2), W, D, horizon = horizon)
# Or do so more flexibly by defining your own time grid using the failure.times argument.
# grid <- seq(min(Y), max(Y), length.out = 150)
# cs.forest <- causal_survival_forest(X, Y, W, D, horizon = horizon, failure.times = grid)

# Predict using the forest.
X.test <- matrix(0.5, 10, p)
X.test[, 1] <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
cs.pred <- predict(cs.forest, X.test)

# Predict on out-of-bag training samples.
cs.pred <- predict(cs.forest)

# Predict with confidence intervals; growing more trees is now recommended.
c.pred <- predict(cs.forest, X.test, estimate.variance = TRUE)

# Compute a doubly robust estimate of the average treatment effect.

# Compute the best linear projection on the first covariate.
best_linear_projection(cs.forest, X[, 1])

# See if a causal survival forest succeeded in capturing heterogeneity by plotting
# the TOC and calculating a 95% CI for the AUTOC.
train <- sample(1:n, n / 2)
eval <- -train
train.forest <- causal_survival_forest(X[train, ], Y[train], W[train], D[train], horizon = horizon)
eval.forest <- causal_survival_forest(X[eval, ], Y[eval], W[eval], D[eval], horizon = horizon)
rate <- rank_average_treatment_effect(eval.forest,
                                      predict(train.forest, X[eval, ])$predictions)
paste("AUTOC:", round(rate$estimate, 2), "+/", round(1.96 * rate$std.err, 2))

[Package grf version 2.3.2 Index]