ppv {gretel}R Documentation

Calculate probabilistic path value


Given a real valued sociomatrix, a path, and an optional odds_scale, ppv calculates the transmission odds for the path and returns the transmission odds times odds_scale so the result can be directly compared with observed tie strenghts.


ppv(sociomatrix, path, odds_scale = 1, odds_scale_by_node = NULL)



a nonnegative, real valued sociomatrix.


an integer vector of node indices from sociomatrix.


a nonnegative real number indicating the observed tie strength value that corresponds to 1-1 transmission odds


sets a transfer odds scale for each node in a probabilistic path value calculation.


We assume that observed tie strengths in sociomatrix are linearly proportional to transmission odds. That is, if the transmission odds for a strength 1 tie are 1 to 1, the transmission odds for a strength 5 tie are 1 to 5.

See Also

opt_ppv to identify the path of optimal 'ppv' between two nodes and all_opt_ppv to identify the optimal paths between all pairs of nodes. Calling generate_proximities with mode = 'ppv' returns a matrix 'ppv' values for the optimal paths between all pairs of nodes.


## Calculate ppv along a path in a sociomatrix
ppv(YangKnoke01, path = c(1,2,5), odds_scale = 3)

## This path doesn't exist
gpv(YangKnoke01, path = c(1,2,4,5))

[Package gretel version 0.0.1 Index]