Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses

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Documentation for package ‘gremlin’ version 1.0.1

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gremlin-package Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses
ai REML optimization algorithms for mixed-effect models.
AIC.gremlin Methods to extract log-likelihood and information criterion of a gremlin model.
anova.gremlin anova() for gremlin objects
conTrans (Co)variance parameter transformations.
covFun (Co)variance parameter transformations.
deltaSE Delta Method to Calculate Standard Errors for Functions of (Co)variances.
deltaSE.default Delta Method to Calculate Standard Errors for Functions of (Co)variances.
deltaSE.formula Delta Method to Calculate Standard Errors for Functions of (Co)variances.
deltaSE.list Delta Method to Calculate Standard Errors for Functions of (Co)variances.
em REML optimization algorithms for mixed-effect models.
fixed.effects Fixed Effect Estimates of 'class' 'gremlin'
fixef Fixed Effect Estimates of 'class' 'gremlin'
fixef.gremlin Fixed Effect Estimates of 'class' 'gremlin'
getCall.gremlin Mixed-effect modeling functions.
gradFun REML optimization algorithms for mixed-effect models.
gremlin Mixed-effect modeling functions.
gremlinControl Advanced Options for Mixed-effect modeling functions.
gremlinR Mixed-effect modeling functions.
gremlinSetup Mixed-effect modeling functions.
is.gremlin Mixed-effect modeling functions.
is.grMod Mixed-effect modeling functions.
logLik.gremlin Methods to extract log-likelihood and information criterion of a gremlin model.
matlist2vech (Co)variance parameter transformations.
mkModMats Mixed-effect modeling functions.
Mrode11 Weight gain data.
nobs.gremlin Number of observations in data from gremlin model fit objects
npar.gremlin Methods to extract log-likelihood and information criterion of a gremlin model.
nu2theta_lambda (Co)variance parameter transformations.
nu2theta_noTrans (Co)variance parameter transformations.
nu2theta_trans (Co)variance parameter transformations.
nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda (Co)variance parameter transformations.
nuVar2thetaVar_lambda (Co)variance parameter transformations.
print.summary.gremlin Gremlin model summary.
reml REML optimization algorithms for mixed-effect models.
remlIt Mixed-effect model Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) iterations.
remlIt.default Mixed-effect model Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) iterations.
remlIt.gremlinR Mixed-effect model Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) iterations.
resid.gremlin Residuals of 'class' 'gremlin'
residuals.gremlin Residuals of 'class' 'gremlin'
runtime Time to execute the gremlin model
start2theta (Co)variance parameter transformations.
stTrans (Co)variance parameter transformations.
summary.gremlin Gremlin model summary.
theta2nu_lambda (Co)variance parameter transformations.
theta2nu_trans (Co)variance parameter transformations.
tr Matrix trace methods.
tr.default Matrix trace methods.
tr.dgCMatrix Matrix trace methods.
tr.dsCMatrix Matrix trace methods.
update Mixed-effect modeling functions.
update.gremlin Mixed-effect modeling functions.
vech2matlist (Co)variance parameter transformations.
_PACKAGE Mixed-Effects REML Incorporating Generalized Inverses