Generating Time Series with Diverse and Controllable Characteristics

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Documentation for package ‘gratis’ version 1.0.7

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app_gratis Web Application to generate time series with controllable features.
arima_model Specify parameters for an ARIMA model
ets_model Specify parameters for an ETS model
generate.Arima Generate a tsibble of synthetic data from a Mixture Autoregressive model
generate.ets Generate a tsibble of synthetic data from a Mixture Autoregressive model
generate.mar Generate a tsibble of synthetic data from a Mixture Autoregressive model
generate_msts Generate multiple seasonal time series from random parameter spaces of the mixture autoregressive (MAR) models.
generate_target Generating time series with controllable features using MAR models
generate_ts Generate time series from random parameter spaces of the mixture autoregressive (MAR) models.
generate_ts_with_target Generating time series with controllable features.
mar_model Specify parameters for a Mixture Autoregressive model
pi_coefficients Compute pi coefficients of an AR process from SARIMA coefficients.
rmixnorm Generate random variables from a mixture of multivariate normal distributions
rmixnorm_ts Simulate autoregressive random variables from mixture of normal
simulate.mar Generate synthetic data from a Mixture Autoregressive model
simulate_target Generating time series with controllable features using MAR models