Grouped Date Classes

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Documentation for package ‘grates’ version 1.2.0

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A B D E F G I N P S Y misc

-- A --

as_epiweek Coerce to a epiweek object
as_epiweek.character Coerce to a epiweek object
as_epiweek.Date Coerce to a epiweek object
as_epiweek.default Coerce to a epiweek object
as_epiweek.factor Coerce to a epiweek object
as_epiweek.POSIXt Coerce to a epiweek object
as_isoweek Coerce to a isoweek object
as_isoweek.character Coerce to a isoweek object
as_isoweek.Date Coerce to a isoweek object
as_isoweek.default Coerce to a isoweek object
as_isoweek.factor Coerce to a isoweek object
as_isoweek.POSIXt Coerce to a isoweek object
as_month Coerce an object to month
as_month.character Coerce an object to month
as_month.Date Coerce an object to month
as_month.default Coerce an object to month
as_month.factor Coerce an object to month
as_month.POSIXt Coerce an object to month
as_period Coerce an object to period
as_period.character Coerce an object to period
as_period.Date Coerce an object to period
as_period.default Coerce an object to period
as_period.factor Coerce an object to period
as_period.POSIXt Coerce an object to period
as_year Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_year.character Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_year.Date Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_year.default Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_year.factor Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_year.POSIXt Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearmonth Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearmonth.character Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearmonth.Date Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearmonth.default Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearmonth.factor Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearmonth.POSIXt Coerce an object to year-month
as_yearquarter Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearquarter.character Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearquarter.Date Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearquarter.default Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearquarter.factor Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearquarter.POSIXt Coerce an object to year-quarter
as_yearweek Coerce to a yearweek object
as_yearweek.character Coerce to a yearweek object
as_yearweek.Date Coerce to a yearweek object
as_yearweek.default Coerce to a yearweek object
as_yearweek.factor Coerce to a yearweek object
as_yearweek.POSIXt Coerce to a yearweek object

-- B --

boundaries Access the start (end) dates of a grates vector

-- D --

date_end Access the start (end) dates of a grates vector
date_start Access the start (end) dates of a grates vector

-- E --

epiweek Constructor for epiweek objects

-- F --

format.grates_month Print a month object
format.grates_period Print a period object
format.grates_year Print a year-quarter object
format.grates_yearmonth Print a year-month object
format.grates_yearquarter Print a year-quarter object

-- G --

get_firstday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.default Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_friday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_monday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_saturday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_sunday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_thursday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_tuesday Accessors for grate objects
get_firstday.grates_yearweek_wednesday Accessors for grate objects
get_n Accessors for grate objects
get_n.default Accessors for grate objects
get_n.grates_month Accessors for grate objects
get_n.grates_period Accessors for grate objects
get_offset Accessors for grate objects
get_offset.default Accessors for grate objects
get_offset.grates_period Accessors for grate objects
get_week Accessors for grate objects
get_week.default Accessors for grate objects
get_week.grates_epiweek Accessors for grate objects
get_week.grates_isoweek Accessors for grate objects
get_week.grates_yearweek Accessors for grate objects
get_year Accessors for grate objects
get_year.default Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_epiweek Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_isoweek Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_year Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_yearmonth Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_yearquarter Accessors for grate objects
get_year.grates_yearweek Accessors for grate objects
grouped_date_accessors Accessors for grate objects

-- I --

isoweek Constructor for isoweek objects
is_epiweek Minimal constructor for an epiweek object
is_isoweek Minimal constructor for an isoweek object
is_month Minimal Constructor for a month object
is_period Minimal constructor for a period object
is_year Construct a year object
is_yearmonth Minimal constructor for a yearmonth object
is_yearquarter Minimal constructor for a yearquarter object
is_yearweek Minimal constructor for a yearweek object

-- N --

new_epiweek Minimal constructor for an epiweek object
new_isoweek Minimal constructor for an isoweek object
new_month Minimal Constructor for a month object
new_period Minimal constructor for a period object
new_yearmonth Minimal constructor for a yearmonth object
new_yearquarter Minimal constructor for a yearquarter object
new_yearweek Minimal constructor for a yearweek object

-- P --

print.grates_month Print a month object
print.grates_period Print a period object
print.grates_year Print a year-quarter object
print.grates_yearmonth Print a year-month object
print.grates_yearquarter Print a year-quarter object

-- S --

scale_x_grates_epiweek epiweek scale
scale_x_grates_isoweek isoweek scale
scale_x_grates_month month scale
scale_x_grates_period period scale
scale_x_grates_year year scale
scale_x_grates_yearmonth yearmonth scale
scale_x_grates_yearquarter yearquarter scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_epiweek yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_friday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_isoweek yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_monday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_saturday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_sunday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_thursday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_tuesday yearweek scale
scale_x_grates_yearweek_wednesday yearweek scale

-- Y --

year Construct a year object
yearmonth Constructor for yearmonth objects
yearquarter Constructor for yearquarter objects
yearweek Constructor for yearweek objects

-- misc --

%during% Access the start (end) dates of a grates vector