Graphical Multiple Comparison Procedures

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Documentation for package ‘graphicalMCP’ version 0.2.5

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adjust_p_bonferroni Calculate adjusted p-values
adjust_p_parametric Calculate adjusted p-values
adjust_p_simes Calculate adjusted p-values
adjust_weights_parametric Calculate adjusted hypothesis weights
adjust_weights_simes Calculate adjusted hypothesis weights
as_graphMCP Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_graphMCP.initial_graph Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_igraph Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_igraph.initial_graph Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_initial_graph Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_initial_graph.graphMCP Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
as_initial_graph.igraph Convert between graphicalMCP, gMCP, and igraph graph classes
bonferroni Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
bonferroni_holm Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
fallback Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
fallback_improved_1 Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
fallback_improved_2 Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
fixed_sequence Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
graph_calculate_power Calculate power values for a graphical multiple comparison procedure
graph_create Create the initial graph for a multiple comparison procedure
graph_generate_weights Generate the weighting strategy based on a graphical multiple comparison procedure
graph_rejection_orderings Find alternate rejection orderings (sequences) for shortcut tests
graph_test_closure Perform closed graphical multiple comparison procedures
graph_test_shortcut Perform shortcut (sequentially rejective) graphical multiple comparison procedures
graph_update Obtain an updated graph by updating an initial graphical after deleting hypotheses
huque_etal Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
plot.initial_graph S3 plot method for class 'initial_graph'
plot.updated_graph S3 plot method for the class 'updated_graph'
print.graph_report S3 print method for the class 'graph_report'
print.initial_graph S3 print method for the class 'initial_graph'
print.power_report S3 print method for the class 'power_report'
print.updated_graph S3 print method for the class 'updated_graph'
random_graph Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
simple_successive_1 Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
simple_successive_2 Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
three_doses_two_primary_two_secondary Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures
two_doses_two_primary_two_secondary Example graphs of commonly used multiple comparison procedures