An R Interface to the 'GraphHopper' Directions API

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Documentation for package ‘graphhopper’ version 0.1.2

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gh_as_sf Convert a gh object into an sf object
gh_as_sf.gh_isochrone Convert a gh object into an sf object
gh_as_sf.gh_route Convert a gh object into an sf object
gh_as_sf.gh_spt Convert a gh object into an sf object
gh_available_spt_columns Get a vector with available columns of the spt endpoint
gh_bbox Extract the bounding box from a gh object
gh_bbox.gh_info Extract the bounding box from a gh object
gh_bbox.gh_route Extract the bounding box from a gh object
gh_get_info Get information about the GraphHopper instance
gh_get_isochrone Get isochrones for a given start point
gh_get_route Get a route for a given set of points
gh_get_routes Get multiple routes
gh_get_spt Get the shortest path tree for a given start point
gh_instructions Extract the instructions from a gh route object
gh_points Extract the points from a gh route object
gh_set_api_url Set gh API base url
gh_spt_as_linestrings_sf Build lines from a gh spt object
gh_spt_columns Select the columns to be returned by a spt request
gh_time_distance Extract time and distance from a gh route object