graph3d {graph3d}R Documentation

3D chart


Generate an interactive 3D chart.


  data = NULL,
  x = ~x,
  y = ~y,
  z = ~z,
  frame = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  type = "surface",
  surfaceColors = c("#FF0000", "#FFF000", "#00FF00", "#68E8FB", "#000FFF"),
  dataColor = NULL,
  xBarWidth = NULL,
  yBarWidth = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  zlab = NULL,
  xValueLabel = NULL,
  yValueLabel = NULL,
  zValueLabel = NULL,
  width = "100%",
  height = "100%",
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  showPerspective = TRUE,
  showGrid = TRUE,
  showShadow = FALSE,
  showXAxis = TRUE,
  showYAxis = TRUE,
  showZAxis = TRUE,
  axisColor = NULL,
  axisFontSize = 30,
  gridColor = NULL,
  keepAspectRatio = TRUE,
  verticalRatio = 0.5,
  tooltip = TRUE,
  tooltipDelay = NULL,
  tooltipStyle = NULL,
  showLegend = TRUE,
  legendLabel = NULL,
  cameraPosition = list(horizontal = 1, vertical = 0.5, distance = 2.8),
  xCenter = NULL,
  yCenter = NULL,
  xMin = NULL,
  xMax = NULL,
  yMin = NULL,
  yMax = NULL,
  zMin = NULL,
  zMax = NULL,
  xStep = NULL,
  yStep = NULL,
  zStep = NULL,
  showAnimationControls = TRUE,
  animationInterval = 100,
  animationPreload = TRUE,
  frameLabel = NULL,
  onclick = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



dataframe containing the data for the chart; if not NULL, the variables passed to x, y, z, frame and style are searched among the columns of data


a right-sided formula giving the variable for the locations of the points on the x-axis; required


a right-sided formula giving the variable for the locations of the points on the y-axis; required


a right-sided formula giving the variable for the locations of the points on the z-axis; required


a right-sided formula giving the variable for the frames of the animation; optional


a right-sided formula required for type="dot-color" and type="dot-size"; the variable given by this formula can be a numeric vector for the data value appearing in the legend, or a list of style properties; see the examples


the type of the chart, one of "bar", "bar-color", "bar-size", "dot", "dot-line", "dot-color", "dot-size", "line", "grid", or "surface"


a vector of colors for type="surface", or a list of the form list(hue = list(start=-360, end=360, saturation=50, brightness=100, colorStops=8)); see the vis-graph3d documentation for more information


a string or a list; see the type="line" example and the vis-graph3d documentation

xBarWidth, yBarWidth

the widths of bars in x and y directions for type="bar" and type="bar-color"; by default, the width is equal to the smallest distance between the data points


string, the label on the x-axis


string, the label on the y-axis


string, the label on the z-axis


JavaScript function for custom formatting of the labels along the x-axis, for example JS("function(x){return (x * 100) + '%'}")


same as xValueLabel for the y-axis


same as xValueLabel for the z-axis

width, height

the dimensions of the chart given as strings, in pixels (e.g. "400px") or percentages (e.g. "80%")


the background color of the chart, either a string giving a HTML color (like "red" or "#00CC00"), or a list of the form list(fill="black", stroke="yellow", strokeWidth=3); fill is the chart fill color, stroke is the color of the chart border, and strokeWidth is the border width in pixels


logical; if TRUE, the graph is drawn in perspective: points and lines which are further away are drawn smaller


logical; if TRUE, grid lines are drawn in the x-y surface


logical, whether to show shadow on the graph


logical; if TRUE, x-axis and x-axis labels are drawn


logical; if TRUE, y-axis and y-axis labels are drawn


logical; if TRUE, z-axis and z-axis labels are drawn


a HTML color given as a string, the color of the axis lines and the text along the axes


a positive number, the font size of the axes labels


a HTML color given as a string, the color of the grid lines


logical; if TRUE, the x-axis and the y-axis keep their aspect ratio; if FALSE, the axes are scaled such that they both have the same, maximum width


value between 0.1 and 1 which scales the vertical size of the graph; when keepAspectRatio=FALSE and verticalRatio=1, the graph will be a cube


logical, whether to see the tooltips, or a JavaScript function to customize the tooltips; see the barplot example


a number, the delay time in ms for the tooltip to appear when the mouse cursor hovers over an x-y grid tile


a list of tooltip style properties; see the vis-graph3d documentation


logical, whether to see the legend if the graph type supports it


a string, the label of the legend


a list with three fields to set the initial rotation and position if the camera: horizontal, a value in radians, vertical, a value in radians between 0 and pi/2, and distance, the distance between 0.71 and 5 from the camera to the center of the graph


a string giving the horizontal center position of the graph as a percentage (like "50%") or in pixels (like "100px"); default to "55%"


same as xCenter for the vertical center position of the graph; default to "45%"


minimum value for the x-axis; if not set, the smallest value of x is used


maximum value for the x-axis; if not set, the largest value of x is used


minimum value for the y-axis; if not set, the smallest value of y is used


maximum value for the y-axis; if not set, the largest value of y is used


minimum value for the z-axis; if not set, the smallest value of z is used


maximum value for the z-axis; if not set, the largest value of z is used


a number, the step size for the grid on the x-axis


a number, the step size for the grid on the y-axis


a number, the step size for the grid on the z-axis


logical, only applicable when the graph contains an animation (i.e. frame is not NULL), whether to show the animation controls (buttons previous, start/stop, next, and a slider)


a number, the animation interval in milliseconds; default to 1000


logical; if FALSE, the animation frames are loaded as soon as they are requested; if TRUE, the animation frames are automatically loaded in the background


string, the label for the animation slider


a JavaScript function to handle the click event on a point; see the vis-graph3d documentation and the second example in graph3d-shiny


an id for the widget


See the vis-graph3d documentation.


# 3d bar plot ####
dat <- data.frame(x = c(1,1,2,2), y = c(1,2,1,2), z = c(1,2,3,4))
graph3d(dat, type = "bar", zMin = 0)
# change bar widths
graph3d(dat, type = "bar", zMin = 0, xBarWidth = 0.3, yBarWidth = 0.3)
# with custom tooltips
graph3d(dat, type = "bar", zMin = 0,
        tooltip = JS(c("function(xyz){",
                       "  var x = 'X: ' + xyz.x.toFixed(2);",
                       "  var y = 'Y: ' + xyz.y.toFixed(2);",
                       "  var z = 'Z: ' + xyz.z.toFixed(2);",
                       "  return  x + '<br/>' + y + '<br/>' + z;",

# bivariate Gaussian density ####
dat <- expand.grid(
  x = seq(-4,4,length.out=100),
  y = seq(-4,4,length.out=100)
dat <- transform(dat, density = dnorm(x)*dnorm(y))
graph3d(dat, z = ~density, keepAspectRatio = FALSE, verticalRatio = 1)

# animation ####
f <- function(x, y) sin(x/50) * cos(y/50) * 50 + 50
t_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 90)[-90]
x_ <- y_ <- seq(0, 314, length.out = 50)
dat <- expand.grid(x = x_, y = y_, t = t_)
dat <- transform(dat, z = f(x*cos(t) - y*sin(t), x*sin(t) + y*cos(t)))
graph3d(dat, frame = ~t, tooltip = FALSE)

# scatterplot ####
dat <- iris
dat$style <- I(lapply(iris$Species, function(x){
         setosa     = list(fill="red",   stroke="#'000"),
         versicolor = list(fill="green", stroke="#'000"),
         virginica  = list(fill="blue",  stroke="#'000"))
graph3d(dat, x = ~Sepal.Length, y = ~Sepal.Width, z = ~Petal.Length,
        style = ~style, type = "dot-color", showLegend = FALSE)

# line ####
t_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 200)
dat <- data.frame(
  x = cos(t_),
  y = sin(t_),
  z = 2 * cos(3*t_)
graph3d(dat, type = "line", dataColor = list(strokeWidth = 5, stroke = "red"),
        verticalRatio = 1)

# a complex function ####
dat <- expand.grid(
  x = seq(-1, 1, length.out = 100),
  y = seq(-1, 1, length.out = 100)
dat <- transform(dat, sine = sin(x + 1i*y))
dat <- transform(dat, modulus = Mod(sine), phase = Arg(sine))
graph3d(dat, z = ~modulus, style = ~phase, type = "dot-color",
        legendLabel = "phase")

[Package graph3d version 0.2.0 Index]