Easy Graphs for Data Visualisation and Linear Models for ANOVA

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Documentation for package ‘grafify’ version 4.0.1

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data_1w_death In vitro experiments measuring percentage cell death in three genotypes of cells.
data_2w_Festing Data from two-way ANOVA with randomised block design of treatments of strains of mice.
data_2w_Tdeath In vitro measurement of percentage cell death - two-way ANOVA design with repeated measures, and randomised blocks.
data_cholesterol Hierarchical data from 25 subjects either treated or not at 5 hospitals - two-way ANOVA design with repeated measures.
data_doubling_time Doubling time of E.coli measured by 10 students three independent times.
data_t_pdiff Matched data from two groups where difference between them is consistent.
data_t_pratio Matched data from two groups where ratio between them is consistent.
data_zooplankton Time-series data on zooplankton in lake Menon.
ga_anova ANOVA table from a generalised additive model ('gam')
ga_model Fit a generalised additive model ('gam')
get_graf_colours Get graf internal
graf_colours List of hexcodes of colours in grafify palettes
graf_col_palette Call 'grafify' palettes for scale & fill functions
graf_col_palette_default Call 'grafify' palettes for scale & fill functions
graf_palettes List of palettes available in grafify package
make_1way_data Make one-way or two-way independent group or randomised block design data.
make_1way_rb_data Make one-way or two-way independent group or randomised block design data.
make_2way_data Make one-way or two-way independent group or randomised block design data.
make_2way_rb_data Make one-way or two-way independent group or randomised block design data.
mixed_anova ANOVA table from linear mixed effects analysis.
mixed_anova_slopes ANOVA table from linear mixed effects analysis.
mixed_model Model from a linear mixed effects model
mixed_model_slopes Model from a linear mixed effects model with varying slopes
plot_3d_point_sd Plot of mean & error bars for 1-way ANOVAs with matched shapes mapped to blocking factor.
plot_3d_scatterbar Plot a bar graph for 1-way ANOVAs with matched shapes mapped to blocking factor.
plot_3d_scatterbox Plot a scatter and box plot for 1-way ANOVAs with matched shapes mapped to blocking factor.
plot_3d_scatterviolin Plot a scatter with violin & box plot for 1-way ANOVAs with matched shapes mapped to blocking factor.
plot_4d_point_sd Plot mean & error bars for 2-way ANOVAs with or without a blocking factor.
plot_4d_scatterbar Plot scatter plot with bar & error bars for 2-way ANOVAs with or without a blocking factor.
plot_4d_scatterbox Plot scatter, box & whiskers for 2-way ANOVAs with or without a blocking factor.
plot_4d_scatterviolin Plot scatter, box & violin for 2-way ANOVAs with or without a blocking factor.
plot_befafter_box Before-after style graph with a boxplot
plot_befafter_colors Plot a before-after plot with lines joining colour-matched symbols.
plot_befafter_colours Plot a before-after plot with lines joining colour-matched symbols.
plot_befafter_shapes Plot a before-after plot with lines joining shape-matched symbols.
plot_density Plot density distribution of data.
plot_dotbar_sd Plot a dotplot on a bar graph with SD error bars with two variables.
plot_dotbox Plot a dotplot on a boxplot with two variables.
plot_dotviolin Plot a dotplot on a violin plot with two variables.
plot_gam_predict Plot prediction of 'gam' model
plot_grafify_palette See grafify colour palettes
plot_histogram Plot data distribution as histograms.
plot_lm_predict Plot data and predictions from linear model
plot_logscale Add log transformations to graphs
plot_point_sd Plot a point as mean with SD error bars using two variables.
plot_qqline Plot quantile-quantile (QQ) graphs from data.
plot_qqmodel Plot quantile-quantile (QQ) graphs from residuals of linear models.
plot_qq_gam Plot model diagnostics for generalised additive models
plot_scatterbar_sd Plot scatter dots on a bar graph with SD error bars with two variables.
plot_scatterbox Plot a scatter plot on a boxplot with two variables.
plot_scatterviolin Plot a scatter plot on a violin plot with two variables.
plot_xy_CatGroup Plot points on a quantitative X - Y plot & a categorical grouping variable.
plot_xy_NumGroup Plot points on a quantitative X - Y plot & a numeric grouping variable.
posthoc_Levelwise Level-wise post-hoc comparisons from a linear or linear mixed effects model.
posthoc_Pairwise Pairwise post-hoc comparisons from a linear or linear mixed effects model.
posthoc_Trends_Levelwise Use emtrends to get level-wise comparison of slopes from a linear model.
posthoc_Trends_Pairwise Use emtrends to get pairwise comparison of slopes from a linear model.
posthoc_Trends_vsRef Use emtrends to get level-wise comparison of slopes from a linear model.
posthoc_vsRef Post-hoc comparisons to a control or reference group.
scale_color_grafify 'scale_colour_' and 'scale_fill_' functions
scale_colour_grafify 'scale_colour_' and 'scale_fill_' functions
scale_fill_grafify 'scale_colour_' and 'scale_fill_' functions
simple_anova ANOVA table from a linear model fit to data.
simple_model Model from a linear model fit to data.
table_summary Get numeric summary grouped by factors
table_x_reorder Reordering groups along X-axis
theme_grafify A modified 'theme_classic()' for 'grafify'-like graphs.