compare_plans {grabsampling}R Documentation

Probability of detection or non detection versus fraction nonconforming curve


This function allows comparison of different sampling schemes, which can be systematic and random sampling of primary increments or grab sampling of blocks of primary increments. A graphical display of the probability of detection PDP_D or probability of non detection PNDP_{ND} versus fraction nonconforming pp for up to four selected schemes will be produced.


compare_plans(d, N, plim, type, c1, r1, t1, method1, c2, r2, t2, method2,
                     c3, r3, t3, method3, c4, r4, t4, method4)



serial correlation of contamination between the primary increments


length of the production


the upper limit for graphing the fraction nonconforming or proportion of contaminated increments


what type of graph we want to produce such as D or ND. compare_plans produces a graphical display of PDP_D or PNDP_{ND} versus pp depending on the D or ND of type

c1, c2, c3, c4

acceptance numbers

r1, r2, r3, r4

number of primary increments in a grab sample or grab sample size

t1, t2, t3, t4

number of grab samples

method1, method2, method3, method4

what sampling method we have applied such as 'systematic' or 'random' selection methods


Probability of detection or non detection vs limiting fraction curves


c1 <- 0
c2 <- 0
c3 <- 0
c4 <- 0
r1 <- 1
r2 <- 10
r3 <- 30
r4 <- 75
t1 <- 750
t2 <- 75
t3 <- 25
t4 <- 10
d <- 0.99
N <- 1e9
method1 <- method2 <- method3 <- method4 <- 'systematic'
plim <- 0.10
compare_plans(d, N, plim, type ='D', c1, r1, t1, method1, c2, r2, t2, method2)
compare_plans(d, N, plim, type ='D', c1, r1, t1, method1, c2, r2, t2, method2,
                        c3, r3, t3, method3)
compare_plans(d, N, plim, type ='D', c1, r1, t1, method1, c2, r2, t2, method2,
                        c3, r3, t3, method3, c4, r4, t4, method4)
compare_plans(d, N, plim, type ='ND', c1, r1, t1, method1, c2, r2, t2, method2,
                        c3, r3, t3, method3, c4, r4, t4, method4)

[Package grabsampling version 1.0.0 Index]