A B C D E F G H I L M N P Q R S T V Z misc
gpuR-package | GPU functions for R Objects |
Arith-gpuR-method | Arith methods |
Arith-gpuVector-gpuVector-method | Arith methods |
Arith-gpuVector-missing-method | Arith methods |
Arith-gpuVector-numeric-method | Arith methods |
Arith-method | Arith methods |
Arith-numeric-gpuVector-method | Arith methods |
as.gpuMatrix | Convert object to a gpuMatrix |
as.gpuVector | Convert object to a gpuVector |
as.gpuVector,vector | Convert object to a gpuVector |
as.gpuVector-method | Convert object to a gpuVector |
as.vclVector | Convert object to a vclVector |
as.vclVector,vclMatrix | Convert object to a vclVector |
as.vclVector-method | Convert object to a vclVector |
assert_has_double | Does device have 'double' support? |
block | Matrix Blocks |
block-method | Matrix Blocks |
cgpuMatrix-class | cgpuMatrix Class |
chol.gpuMatrix | Cholesky Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
chol.vclMatrix | Cholesky Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
colMeans-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
colMeans-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
colnames | Row and Column Names |
colnames.default | Row and Column Names |
colnames.gpuMatrix | Row and Column Names |
colnames.vclMatrix | Row and Column Names |
colnames<--method | Row and Column Names |
colSums,gpuMatrix | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
colSums,vclMatrix | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
colSums-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
colSums-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
Compare-gpuVector-vector | Compare vector and gpuVector elements |
Compare-method | Compare vector and gpuVector elements |
Compare-vector-gpuVector | Compare vector and gpuVector elements |
cov-method | Covariance (gpuR) |
cpuInfo | Device Information |
crossprod,gpuMatrix | gpuMatrix Crossproduct |
crossprod,vclMatrix | vclMatrix Crossproduct |
crossprod-method | gpuMatrix Crossproduct |
crossprod-method | vclMatrix Crossproduct |
currentContext | Current Context |
currentDevice | Current Device Information |
currentPlatform | Return Current Platform |
custom_opencl | Custom OpenCL Kernels |
cvclMatrix-class | cvclMatrix Class |
deepcopy | Copy a "gpuR" object |
deepcopy-method | Copy a "gpuR" object |
det,vclMatrix | Calculate Determinant of a Matrix on GPU |
det-method | Calculate Determinant of a Matrix on GPU |
detectCPUs | Detect Available OpenCL enabled CPUs |
detectGPUs | Detect Available GPUs |
detectPlatforms | Detect Number of Platforms |
deviceHasDouble | Check GPU double precision support |
deviceType | Check device type |
dgpuMatrix-class | dgpuMatrix Class |
dgpuVector-class | dgpuVector Class |
diag,gpuMatrix | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
diag,vclMatrix | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
diag-method | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
diag<-,gpuMatrix,gpuVector | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
diag<-,vclMatrix,vclVector | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
diag<--method | gpuR Matrix Diagonals |
dim-gpuMatrix | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix dim method |
dim-method | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix dim method |
dim-vclMatrix | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix dim method |
dist,gpuMatrix | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
dist,vclMatrix | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
dist-method | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
distance | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
distance,gpuMatrix | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
distance,vclMatrix | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
distance-method | GPU Distance Matrix Computations |
dvclMatrix-class | dvclMatrix Class |
dvclVector-class | dvclVector Class |
eigen,vclMatrix | gpuMatrix Eigen Decomposition |
eigen-method | gpuMatrix Eigen Decomposition |
fgpuMatrix-class | fgpuMatrix Class |
fgpuVector-class | fgpuVector Class |
fvclMatrix-class | fvclMatrix Class |
fvclVector-class | fvclVector Class |
gpuInfo | Device Information |
gpuMatrix | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuMatrix,integer | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuMatrix,matrix | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuMatrix,missing | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuMatrix,numeric | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuMatrix-class | gpuMatrix Class |
gpuMatrix-method | Construct a gpuMatrix |
gpuR | GPU functions for R Objects |
gpuVector | Construct a gpuVector |
gpuVector,missingOrNULL | Construct a gpuVector |
gpuVector,vector | Construct a gpuVector |
gpuVector-class | gpuVector Class |
gpuVector-method | Construct a gpuVector |
has_cpu_skip | Skip test for CPUs |
has_double_skip | Skip test for GPU double precision |
has_gpu_skip | Skip test for GPUs |
has_multiple_double_skip | Skip test for multiple GPUs with double precision |
has_multiple_gpu_skip | Skip test in less than 2 GPUs |
identity_matrix | Identity Matrix on Device |
igpuMatrix-class | igpuMatrix Class |
igpuVector-class | igpuVector Class |
inplace | Inplace Function Wrapper |
inplace-method | Inplace Function Wrapper |
ivclMatrix-class | ivclMatrix Class |
ivclVector-class | ivclVector Class |
length-gpuMatrix | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix length method |
length-method | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix length method |
length-vclMatrix | gpuMatrix/vclMatrix length method |
listContexts | Available OpenCL Contexts |
log-gpuR-method | gpuR Logarithms and Exponentials |
log-method | gpuR Logarithms and Exponentials |
Math-gpuR-method | gpuR Math methods |
Math-method | gpuR Math methods |
ncol-method | The Number of Rows/Columns of a gpuR matrix |
norm-method | Compute the Norm of a Matrix |
nrow-method | The Number of Rows/Columns of a gpuR matrix |
permute | Permuting functions for 'gpuR' objects |
platformInfo | OpenCL Platform Information |
pmax | Parallel Maxima and Minima |
pmin | Parallel Maxima and Minima |
pmin.vclVector | Parallel Maxima and Minima |
pocl_check | POCL Version Check |
print.gpuMatrix | S3 print for gpuMatrix objects |
qr.gpuMatrix | The QR Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
qr.gpuR | The QR Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
qr.Q-method | Reconstruct the Q or R Matrices from a gpuQR Object |
qr.R-method | Reconstruct the Q or R Matrices from a gpuQR Object |
qr.vclMatrix | The QR Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
rowMeans-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
rowMeans-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
rowSums,gpuMatrix | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
rowSums,vclMatrix | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
rowSums-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of gpuMatrix |
rowSums-method | Row and Column Sums and Means of 'vclMatrix' |
setContext | Set Context |
setup_opencl | Setup OpenCL Arguments |
set_device_context | Set Context for Specific Device Type |
slice | Vector Slices |
slice-method | Vector Slices |
solve-method | Solve a System of Equations for gpuR objects |
Summary-gpuR-method | gpuR Summary methods |
Summary-method | gpuR Summary methods |
svd | Singular Value Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
svd.gpuMatrix | Singular Value Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
svd.vclMatrix | Singular Value Decomposition of a gpuR matrix |
synchronize | Synchronize Device Execution |
t,gpuMatrix | 'gpuR' matrix transpose |
t,vclMatrix | 'gpuR' matrix transpose |
t-method | 'gpuR' matrix transpose |
tcrossprod-method | gpuMatrix Crossproduct |
tcrossprod-method | vclMatrix Crossproduct |
typeof-method | Get gpuR object type |
vclMatrix | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix,integer | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix,matrix | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix,missing | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix,numeric | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix,vector | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclMatrix-class | vclMatrix Class |
vclMatrix-method | Construct a vclMatrix |
vclVector | Construct a vclVector |
vclVector,missing | Construct a vclVector |
vclVector,vector | Construct a vclVector |
vclVector-class | vclVector Class |
vclVector-method | Construct a vclVector |
zgpuMatrix-class | zgpuMatrix Class |
zvclMatrix-class | zvclMatrix Class |
%*%-method | Methods for gpu/vcl Vector |
%o%-method | Outer Product |
[-method | Extract gpuR object elements |
[<--method | Extract gpuR object elements |