chat | Chat Interface for gptstudio |
chat_create_system_prompt | Create system prompt |
chat_history_append | Append to chat history |
chat_message_default | Default chat message |
check_api_connection_openai | Check API Connection |
create_chat_app_theme | Chat App Theme |
create_chat_cohere | Create a chat with the Cohere Chat API |
create_completion_anthropic | Generate text completions using Anthropic's API |
create_completion_azure_openai | Generate text using Azure OpenAI's API |
create_completion_google | Generate text completions using Google AI Studio's API |
create_completion_huggingface | Generate text completions using HuggingFace's API |
create_completion_perplexity | Create a chat completion request to the Perplexity API |
create_ide_matching_colors | Chat message colors in RStudio |
create_tmp_job_script | Create a temporary job script |
create_translator | Internationalization for the ChatGPT addin |
get_available_endpoints | List supported endpoints |
get_available_models | List supported models |
get_ide_theme_info | Get IDE theme information. |
gptstudio_chat | Run Chat GPT Run the Chat GPT Shiny App as a background job and show it in the viewer pane |
gptstudio_chat_in_source_addin | ChatGPT in Source |
gptstudio_comment_code | Comment Code Addin |
gptstudio_create_skeleton | Create a Request Skeleton |
gptstudio_request_perform | Perform API Request |
gptstudio_response_process | Call API |
gptstudio_sitrep | Current Configuration for gptstudio |
gptstudio_skeleton_build | Construct a GPT Studio request skeleton. |
gptstudio_spelling_grammar | Spelling and Grammar Addin |
mod_app_server | App Server |
mod_app_ui | App UI |
mod_chat_server | Chat server |
mod_chat_ui | Chat UI |
OpenaiStreamParser | Stream handler for chat completions |
openai_create_chat_completion | Generate text completions using OpenAI's API for Chat |
open_bg_shinyapp | Open browser to local Shiny app |
prepare_chat_history | Prepare chat completion prompt |
query_api_anthropic | A function that sends a request to the Anthropic API and returns the response. |
query_api_cohere | Send a request to the Cohere Chat API and return the response |
query_api_google | A function that sends a request to the Google AI Studio API and returns the response. |
query_api_huggingface | A function that sends a request to the HuggingFace API and returns the response. |
query_api_perplexity | Send a request to the Perplexity API and return the response |
query_openai_api | A function that sends a request to the OpenAI API and returns the response. |
random_port | Generate a random safe port number |
renderStreamingMessage | Shiny bindings for streamingMessage |
renderWelcomeMessage | Shiny bindings for welcomeMessage |
request_base | Base for a request to the OPENAI API |
request_base_anthropic | Base for a request to the Anthropic API |
request_base_cohere | Base for a request to the Cohere Chat API |
request_base_google | Base for a request to the Google AI Studio API |
request_base_huggingface | Base for a request to the HuggingFace API |
request_base_perplexity | Base for a request to the Perplexity API |
rgb_str_to_hex | RGB str to hex |
run_app_as_bg_job | Run an R Shiny app in the background |
run_chatgpt_app | Run the ChatGPT app |
streamingMessage | Streaming message |
streamingMessage-shiny | Shiny bindings for streamingMessage |
streamingMessageOutput | Shiny bindings for streamingMessage |
stream_chat_completion | Stream Chat Completion |
style_chat_history | Style Chat History |
style_chat_message | Style chat message |
text_area_input_wrapper | Custom textAreaInput |
welcomeMessage | Welcome message |
welcomeMessage-shiny | Shiny bindings for welcomeMessage |
welcomeMessageOutput | Shiny bindings for welcomeMessage |