index_weights {gpindex}R Documentation

Index weights


Calculate weights for a variety of different price indexes.


  type = c("Carli", "Jevons", "Coggeshall", "Dutot", "Laspeyres", "HybridLaspeyres",
    "LloydMoulton", "Palgrave", "Paasche", "HybridPaasche", "Drobisch", "Unnamed",
    "Tornqvist", "Walsh1", "Walsh2", "MarshallEdgeworth", "GearyKhamis", "Vartia1",
    "MontgomeryVartia", "Vartia2", "SatoVartia", "Theil", "Rao", "Lowe", "Young")



The name of the index. See details for the possible types of indexes.


The index_weights() function returns a function to calculate weights for a variety of price indexes. Weights for the following types of indexes can be calculated.

The weights need not sum to 1, as this normalization isn't always appropriate (i.e., for the Vartia-I weights).


A function of current and base period prices/quantities that calculates the relevant weights.


Naming for the indexes and weights generally follows the CPI manual (2020), Balk (2008), and Selvanathan and Rao (1994). In several cases two or more names correspond to the same weights (e.g., Paasche and Palgrave, or Sato-Vartia and Vartia-II). The calculations are given in the examples.

See Also

update_weights() for price-updating weights.

quantity_index() to remap the arguments in these functions for a quantity index.

Other price index functions: geks(), price_indexes, splice_index()


p0 <- price6[[2]]
p1 <- price6[[3]]
q0 <- quantity6[[2]]
q1 <- quantity6[[3]]
pb <- price6[[1]]
qb <- quantity6[[1]]

#---- Making the weights for different indexes ----

# Explicit calculation for each of the different weights
# Carli/Jevons/Coggeshall

all.equal(index_weights("Carli")(p1), rep(1, length(p0)))

# Dutot

all.equal(index_weights("Dutot")(p0), p0)

# Laspeyres / Lloyd-Moulton

all.equal(index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0), p0 * q0)

# Hybrid Laspeyres

all.equal(index_weights("HybridLaspeyres")(p1, q0), p1 * q0)

# Paasche / Palgrave

all.equal(index_weights("Paasche")(p1, q1), p1 * q1)

# Hybrid Paasche

all.equal(index_weights("HybridPaasche")(p0, q1), p0 * q1)

# Tornqvist / Unnamed

  index_weights("Tornqvist")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
  0.5 * p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0) + 0.5 * p1 * q1 / sum(p1 * q1)

# Drobisch

  index_weights("Drobisch")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
  0.5 * p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0) + 0.5 * p0 * q1 / sum(p0 * q1)

# Walsh-I

  index_weights("Walsh1")(p0, q1, q0),
  p0 * sqrt(q0 * q1)

# Marshall-Edgeworth

  index_weights("MarshallEdgeworth")(p0, q1, q0),
  p0 * (q0 + q1)

# Geary-Khamis

  index_weights("GearyKhamis")(p0, q1, q0),
  p0 / (1 / q0 + 1 / q1)

# Montgomery-Vartia / Vartia-I

  index_weights("MontgomeryVartia")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
  logmean(p0 * q0, p1 * q1) / logmean(sum(p0 * q0), sum(p1 * q1))

# Sato-Vartia / Vartia-II

  index_weights("SatoVartia")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
  logmean(p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0), p1 * q1 / sum(p1 * q1))

# Walsh-II

  index_weights("Walsh2")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
  sqrt(p0 * q0 * p1 * q1)

# Theil

all.equal(index_weights("Theil")(p1, p0, q1, q0), {
  w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
  w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
  (w0 * w1 * (w0 + w1) / 2)^(1 / 3)

# Rao

all.equal(index_weights("Rao")(p1, p0, q1, q0), {
  w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
  w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
  w0 * w1 / (w0 + w1)

# Lowe

all.equal(index_weights("Lowe")(p0, qb), p0 * qb)

# Young

all.equal(index_weights("Young")(pb, qb), pb * qb)

[Package gpindex version 0.6.1 Index]