A 'GovInfo' API Wrapper

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Documentation for package ‘govinfoR’ version 0.0.3

Help Pages

get_govinfo_key Check or Get GovInfo API Key
gpo_collections Retrieve GPO collections data
gpo_package_granules Given a GPO package id, get a list of granules associated with that package.
gpo_package_granules_summary Given a package id and a granule id, return a metadata summary for the granule.
gpo_package_summary Given a GPO package id, return summary metadata for that package.
gpo_published Retrieve documents based on official publication date.
gpo_related gpo_related()
has_govinfo_key Check or Get GovInfo API Key
key Check or Get GovInfo API Key
next_req next_req
set_govinfo_key Adds api.data.gov key to .Renviron
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