gt_make_raster_from_grid {googletraffic}R Documentation

Make Google Traffic Raster Based on Grid of Coordinates


Make a raster of Google traffic data, where each pixel has one of four values indicating traffic volume (no traffic, light, moderate, and heavy).


  traffic_color_dist_thresh = 4.6,
  traffic_color_dist_metric = "CIEDE2000",
  webshot_zoom = 1,
  webshot_delay = NULL,
  return_list_of_rasters = FALSE,
  print_progress = TRUE



Grid parameter dataframe produced from gt_make_grid()


Google API key, where the Maps JavaScript API is enabled. To create a Google API key, follow these instructions.


Google traffic relies on four main base colors: ⁠#63D668⁠ for no traffic, ⁠#FF974D⁠ for medium traffic, ⁠#F23C32⁠ for high traffic, and ⁠#811F1F⁠ for heavy traffic. Slight variations of these colors can also represent traffic. By default, the base colors and all colors within a 4.6 color distance of each base color are used to define traffic; by default, the CIEDE2000 metric is used to determine color distance. A value of 2.3 is one threshold used to define a "just noticeable distance" (JND) between colors (by default, 2 X JND is used). This parameter changes the color distance from the base colors used to define colors as traffic. For more information, see here.


See above; this parameter changes the metric used to calculate distances between colors. By default, CIEDE2000 is used; CIE76 and CIE94 can also be used. For more information, see here.


How many pixels should be created relative to height and width values. If height and width are set to 100 and webshot_zoom is set to 2, the resulting raster will have dimensions of about ⁠200x200⁠ (default: 1).


How long to wait for Google traffic layer to render. Larger height/widths require longer delay times. If NULL, the following delay time (in seconds) is used: delay = max(height,width)/200.


Instead of merging traffic rasters produced for each grid together into one large raster, return a list of rasters (default: FALSE)


Whether to print function progress (default: TRUE)


Returns a georeferenced raster. Raster pixels can contain the following values: 1 = no traffic; 2 = medium traffic; 3 = high traffic; 4 = heavy traffic.


Markus Hilpert, Jenni A. Shearston, Jemaleddin Cole, Steven N. Chillrud, and Micaela E. Martinez. Acquisition and analysis of crowd-sourced traffic data. CoRR, abs/2105.12235, 2021.

Pavel Pokorny. Determining traffic levels in cities using google maps. In 2017 Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry (MCSI), pages 144–147, 2017.


## Not run: 
## Grab polygon of Manhattan
us_sp <- raster::getData('GADM', country='USA', level=2)
ny_sp <- us_sp[us_sp$NAME_2 %in% "New York",]

## Make Grid
grid_df <- gt_make_grid(polygon = ny_sp,
                       height   = 2000,
                       width    = 2000,
                       zoom     = 16)

## Make raster from grid                        
r <- gt_make_raster_from_grid(grid_param_df = grid_clean_df,
                              google_key    = "GOOGLE-KEY-HERE")

## End(Not run)

[Package googletraffic version 0.1.6 Index]