shared_drives {googledrive}R Documentation

Access shared drives


A shared drive supports files owned by an organization rather than an individual user. Shared drives follow different sharing and ownership models from a specific user's "My Drive". Shared drives are the successors to the earlier concept of Team Drives.

How to capture a shared drive or files/folders that live on a shared drive for downstream use:

Regard the functions mentioned above as the official "port of entry" for working with shared drives. Use these functions to capture your target(s) in a dribble to pass along to other googledrive functions. The flexibility to refer to files by name or path does not apply as broadly to shared drives. While it's always a good idea to get things into a dribble early, for shared drives it's often required.

Specific shared drive

To search one specific shared drive, pass its name, marked id, or dribble to shared_drive somewhere in the call, like so:

drive_find(..., shared_drive = "i_am_a_shared_drive_name")
drive_find(..., shared_drive = as_id("i_am_a_shared_drive_id"))
drive_find(..., shared_drive = i_am_a_shared_drive_dribble)

The value provided to shared_drive is pre-processed with as_shared_drive().

Other collections

To search other collections, pass the corpus parameter somewhere in the call, like so:

drive_find(..., corpus = "user")
drive_find(..., corpus = "allDrives")
drive_find(..., corpus = "domain")

Possible values of corpus and what they mean:

Google blogs and docs

Here is some of the best official Google reading about shared drives:

API docs

googledrive implements shared drive support as outlined here:

Users shouldn't need to know any of this, but here are details for the curious. The extra information needed to search shared drives consists of the following query parameters:

[Package googledrive version 2.1.1 Index]