R Interface with Google Compute Engine

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Documentation for package ‘googleComputeEngineR’ version 0.3.0

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googleComputeEngineR-package Working with Google Compute Engine from R
as.cluster.gce_instance Create a future cluster for GCE objects
containers Get list of all containers on a host.
container_logs Retrieve logs for a container.
container_rm Delete a container.
container_running Report whether a container is currently running.
container_update_info Update the information about a container.
docker_build Build image on an instance from a local Dockerfile
docker_cmd Run a docker command on a host.
docker_cmd.gce_instance Docker S3 method for use with harbor package
docker_inspect Inspect one or more containers, given name(s) or ID(s).
docker_pull Pull a docker image onto a host.
docker_run Run a command in a new container on a host.
gce_attach_disk Attaches a Disk resource to an instance.
gce_auth Defunct - Authenticate this session
gce_check_container Check the docker logs of a container
gce_check_gpu Check GPU installed ok
gce_check_ssh Calls API for the current SSH settings for an instance
gce_container_logs Check the docker logs of a container
gce_delete_disk Deletes the specified persistent disk.
gce_delete_firewall_rule Delete a firewall rule
gce_delete_op Deletes the specified Operations resource.
gce_delete_op.gce_global_operation Deletes the specified global Operations resource.
gce_delete_op.gce_zone_operation Deletes the specified zone-specific Operations resource.
gce_extract_projectzone Extract zone and project from an instance object
gce_get_disk Returns a specified persistent disk.
gce_get_external_ip Get the external IP of an instance
gce_get_firewall_rule Get a firewall rule
gce_get_global_project Get global project name
gce_get_global_zone Get global zone name
gce_get_image Returns the specified image.
gce_get_image_family Returns the latest image that is part of an image family and is not deprecated.
gce_get_instance Returns the specified Instance resource.
gce_get_machinetype Returns the specified machine type.
gce_get_metadata Extract metadata from an instance object
gce_get_metadata_project Get project wide metadata
gce_get_network Returns the specified network.
gce_get_op Retrieves the specified Operations resource.
gce_get_op.gce_global_operation Retrieves the specified global Operations resource.
gce_get_op.gce_zone_operation Retrieves the specified zone-specific Operations resource.
gce_get_project Returns the specified Project resource.
gce_get_zone Returns the specified Zone resource. Get a list of available zones by making a list() request.
gce_global_project Set global project name
gce_global_zone Set global zone name
gce_list_disks Retrieves a list of persistent disks contained within the specified zone.
gce_list_disks_all Retrieves an aggregated list of persistent disks across all zones.
gce_list_firewall_rules List firewall rules
gce_list_gpus Retrieves a list GPUs you can attach to an instance
gce_list_images Retrieves the list of private images available to the specified project.
gce_list_instances Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.
gce_list_machinetype Retrieves a list of machine types available to the specified project.
gce_list_machinetype_all Retrieves an aggregated list of machine types from all zones.
gce_list_networks Retrieves the list of networks available to the specified project.
gce_list_registry List the docker images you have on Google Container Registry
gce_list_zones Retrieves the list of Zone resources available to the specified project.
gce_list_zone_op Retrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the specified zone.
gce_make_boot_disk Make a boot disk for attachment to an instance
gce_make_disk Creates a persistent disk in the specified project using the data in the request.
gce_make_firewall_rule Add one firewall rule to the network
gce_make_firewall_webports Make HTTP and HTTPS firewall rules
gce_make_image_source_url Make initial disk image object
gce_make_machinetype_url Construct a machineType URL
gce_metadata_env Turn metadata into an environment argument
gce_pull_registry Load a previously saved private Google Container
gce_push_registry Push to Google Container Registry
gce_rstudio_adduser Creates a user on an RStudio templated instance
gce_rstudio_password Changes password for a user on RStudio container
gce_schedule_docker Schedule running a docker image upon a VM
gce_set_machinetype Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the request.
gce_set_metadata Sets metadata for the specified instance or projectwise to the data included in the request.
gce_set_mincpuplatform Set a minCPU platform on a stopped instance
gce_shiny_addapp Add Shiny app to a Shiny template instance
gce_shiny_listapps List shiny apps on the instance
gce_shiny_logs Get the latest shiny logs for a shinyapp
gce_ssh Remotely execute ssh code, upload & download files.
gce_ssh_addkeys Add SSH details to a gce_instance
gce_ssh_browser Open a cloud SSH browser for an instance
gce_ssh_download Remotely execute ssh code, upload & download files.
gce_ssh_setup Setup a SSH connection with GCE from a new SSH key-pair
gce_ssh_upload Remotely execute ssh code, upload & download files.
gce_startup_logs Get startup script logs
gce_tag_container Return a container tag for Google Container Registry
gce_vm Create or fetch a virtual machine
gce_vm_cluster Make a VM cluster suitable for running parallel workloads
gce_vm_container Launch a container-VM image
gce_vm_create Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
gce_vm_delete Deletes the specified Instance resource.
gce_vm_gpu Launch a GPU enabled instance
gce_vm_logs Open browser to the serial console output for a VM
gce_vm_reset Performs a hard reset on the instance.
gce_vm_scheduler Create or start a scheduler VM
gce_vm_start Starts an instance that was stopped using the using the stop method.
gce_vm_stop Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a later time.
gce_vm_template Create a template container VM
gce_wait Wait for an operation to finish
get_dockerfolder Get Dockerfolder of templates
googleComputeEngineR Working with Google Compute Engine from R
localhost An object representing the current computer that R is running on.
makeDockerClusterPSOCK Make the Docker cluster on Google Compute Engine