bunmd_demo {gompertztrunc} | R Documentation |
Demo BUNMD Data Set
A data set containing a sample of the CenSoc Berkeley Unified Numident Mortality Database (BUNMD) file, including age at death and select covariates.
A data frame with 81,002 rows and 6 variables:
- ssn
Social Security number
- bpl_string
Country of birth
- death_age
Age at death (integer years)
- byear
Calendar year of birth
- dyear
Calendar year of death
- age_first_application
Age at first Social Security application
The Berkeley Unified Numident Mortality Database (BUNMD) is a cleaned and harmonized version of the NARA Numident file, consisting of the most informative parts of the 60+ application, claim, and death files released by the National Archives.The full data set of nearly 50 million records is available at https://censoc.berkeley.edu/data/.
Joshua R. Goldstein, Monica Alexander, Casey Breen, Andrea Miranda González, Felipe Menares, Maria Osborne, Mallika Snyder, and Ugur Yildirim. CenSoc Mortality File: Version 2.0. Berkeley: University of California, 2021. https://censoc.berkeley.edu/