gofar_sim {gofar}R Documentation

Simulate data for GOFAR


Genertate random samples from a generalize sparse factor regression model


gofar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0, familygroup, snr)



specified value of U


specified value of D


specified value of V


sample size


covariance matrix for generating sample of X


Specified coefficient matrix with first row being intercept


index set of the type of multivariate outcomes: "1" for Gaussian, "2" for Bernoulli, "3" for Poisson outcomes


signal to noise ratio specified for gaussian type outcomes



Generated response matrix


Generated predictor matrix


standard deviation for gaussian error


Mishra, Aditya, Dipak K. Dey, Yong Chen, and Kun Chen. Generalized co-sparse factor regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 157 (2021): 107127


## Model specification:
SD <- 123
n <- 200
p <- 100
pz <- 0
# Model I in the paper
# n <- 200; p <- 300; pz <- 0 ;           # Model II in the paper
# q1 <- 0; q2 <- 30; q3 <- 0               # Similar response cases
q1 <- 15
q2 <- 15
q3 <- 0 # mixed response cases
nrank <- 3 # true rank
rank.est <- 4 # estimated rank
nlam <- 40 # number of tuning parameter
s <- 1 # multiplying factor to singular value
snr <- 0.25 # SNR for variance Gaussian error
q <- q1 + q2 + q3
respFamily <- c("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson")
family <- list(gaussian(), binomial(), poisson())
familygroup <- c(rep(1, q1), rep(2, q2), rep(3, q3))
cfamily <- unique(familygroup)
nfamily <- length(cfamily)
control <- gofar_control()
## Generate data
D <- rep(0, nrank)
V <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = q)
U <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = p)
U[, 1] <- c(sample(c(1, -1), 8, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 8))
U[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 5), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 14))
U[, 3] <- c(rep(0, 11), sample(c(1, -1), 9, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - 20))
if (nfamily == 1) {
  # for similar type response type setting
  V[, 1] <- c(rep(0, 8), sample(c(1, -1), 8,
    replace =
  ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 16))
  V[, 2] <- c(rep(0, 20), sample(c(1, -1), 8,
    replace =
  ) * runif(8, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 28))
  V[, 3] <- c(
    sample(c(1, -1), 5, replace = TRUE) * runif(5, 0.3, 1), rep(0, 23),
    sample(c(1, -1), 2, replace = TRUE) * runif(2, 0.3, 1), rep(0, q - 30)
} else {
  # for mixed type response setting
  # V is generated such that joint learning can be emphasised
  V1 <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = q / 2)
  V1[, 1] <- c(sample(c(1, -1), 5, replace = TRUE), rep(0, q / 2 - 5))
  V1[, 2] <- c(
    rep(0, 3), V1[4, 1], -1 * V1[5, 1],
    sample(c(1, -1), 3, replace = TRUE), rep(0, q / 2 - 8)
  V1[, 3] <- c(
    V1[1, 1], -1 * V1[2, 1], rep(0, 4),
    V1[7, 2], -1 * V1[8, 2], sample(c(1, -1), 2, replace = TRUE),
    rep(0, q / 2 - 10)
  V2 <- matrix(0, ncol = nrank, nrow = q / 2)
  V2[, 1] <- c(sample(c(1, -1), 5, replace = TRUE), rep(0, q / 2 - 5))
  V2[, 2] <- c(
    rep(0, 3), V2[4, 1], -1 * V2[5, 1],
    sample(c(1, -1), 3, replace = TRUE), rep(0, q / 2 - 8)
  V2[, 3] <- c(
    V2[1, 1], -1 * V2[2, 1], rep(0, 4),
    V2[7, 2], -1 * V2[8, 2],
    sample(c(1, -1), 2, replace = TRUE), rep(0, q / 2 - 10)
  V <- rbind(V1, V2)
U[, 1:3] <- apply(U[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2)))
V[, 1:3] <- apply(V[, 1:3], 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2)))
D <- s * c(4, 6, 5) # signal strength varries as per the value of s
or <- order(D, decreasing = TRUE)
U <- U[, or]
V <- V[, or]
D <- D[or]
C <- U %*% (D * t(V)) # simulated coefficient matrix
intercept <- rep(0.5, q) # specifying intercept to the model:
C0 <- rbind(intercept, C)
Xsigma <- 0.5^abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, FUN = "-"))
# Simulated data
sim.sample <- gofar_sim(U, D, V, n, Xsigma, C0, familygroup, snr)
# Dispersion parameter
pHI <- c(rep(sim.sample$sigmaG, q1), rep(1, q2), rep(1, q3))
X <- sim.sample$X[1:n, ]
Y <- sim.sample$Y[1:n, ]
simulate_gofar <- list(Y = Y,X = X, U = U, D = D, V = V, n=n,
Xsigma = Xsigma, C0 = C0, familygroup = familygroup)

[Package gofar version 0.1 Index]