schedenenv {goeveg} | R Documentation |
Header data for Vegetation releves from Scheden
An example vegetation dataset containing 28 grassland releves from Scheden, Niedersachsen, Germany. The releves were done May 2016 during a students field course at the University of Goettingen. Locations at the study site are based on the diploma thesis from Eichholz (1997)
A data frame with 28 rows (samples) and 10 variables
comm: Plant community as defined in 1997: Arrhenatheretum (A) or Gentiano-Koelerietum (GK)
altit: Altitude (m)
exp: Exposition of plot (degrees)
north: North value as cosine of aspect
slope: Slope (degrees)
cov_herb: Cover of herb layer (%)
cov_litt: Cover of litter (%)
cov_moss: Cover of mosses (%)
cov_opensoil: Cover of open soil (%)
height_herb: Average height of herb layer (cm)
soil_depth: Soil depth (cm)
Eichholz, A. (1997): Wiesen und Magerrasen am Suedhang des Hohen Hagen. Diplomarbeit Biologie, University of Goettingen.