racurves {goeveg}R Documentation

Multiple rank-abundance curves


This function draws multiple rank-abundance curves for selected samples into one diagram. If you wish to draw a simple rank-abundance curve see racurve.


racurves(matrix, main = "Rank-abundance diagram", bw = TRUE)



Community data, a matrix-like object with samples in rows and species in columns. Rank-abundance curves are drawn for all selected rows (samples).


The main title (optional).


If set on FALSE the lines will be drawn in colors instead of black/white lines with different line types.


No return value, only diagram.


Rank abundance curves or Whittaker plots (see Whittaker 1965) are used to display relative species abundance as biodiversity component. They are a means to visualize species richness and species evenness.

The axes of the diagram will be scaled according automatically. As the line type is used to differentiate between samples, a maximum of 6 curves per diagram is feasible in black/white mode.


Friedemann von Lampe (fvonlampe@uni-goettingen.de)


Whittaker, R. H. (1965). Dominance and Diversity in Land Plant Communities: Numerical relations of species express the importance of competition in community function and evolution. Science 147 : 250-260. doi:10.1126/science.147.3655.250

See Also

racurve for a simple curve and rankabundance from package BiodiversityR for a more sophisticated function


## Draw multiple rank-abundance curves for selected samples
racurves(schedenveg[c(1,7,20,25), ])

## Draw multiple rank-abundance curves for selected samples with coloured lines
racurves(schedenveg[c(1,7,20,25), ], bw = FALSE)

[Package goeveg version 0.7.5 Index]