test_genesets_goat_precomputed {goat}R Documentation

Test geneset enrichment with the Geneset Ordinal Association Test (GOAT) algorithm


In most cases, it's more convenient to call the more generic test_genesets function which also applies multiple-testing correction (per geneset source) to the geneset p-values computed by this function.

This is the canonical geneset test function for GOAT that uses precomputed null distributions that are bundled with the GOAT package


test_genesets_goat_precomputed(genesets, genelist, score_type)



genesets data.frame, must contain columns; "source", "id", "genes", "ngenes"


genelist data.frame, must contain columns "gene" and "pvalue"/"effectsize" (depending on parameter score_type)


how to compute gene scores? Option "pvalue" uses values from the pvalue column in genelist in a one-way test for enrichment; lower p-value is better Option "effectsize" uses values from the effectsize column in genelist in a two-way test for enrichment; is a geneset enriched in either down- or up-regulated genes? Option "effectsize_abs" uses values from the effectsize column in genelist in a one-way test for enrichment; is a geneset enriched when testing absolute effectsizes? Option "effectsize_up" uses values from the effectsize column in genelist in a one-way test for enrichment; is a geneset enriched in up-regulated genes? (i.e. positive effectsize) Option "effectsize_down" uses values from the effectsize column in genelist in a one-way test for enrichment; is a geneset enriched in down-regulated genes? (i.e. negative effectsize)


input genesets table with results in the "pvalue", "score_type" columns. "zscore" column: A standardized z-score is computed from geneset p-values + effectsize direction (up/down) if tested. Importantly, we here return standardized z-scores because the GOAT geneset score (mean of gene scores) is relative to the respective geneset-size-matched null distributions (a skewed normal)! In contrast, the standardized z-scores are comparable between genesets (as are the pvalues obviously).

Only if either (or both) the effectsize-up/down was tested, the direction of regulation has been tested (effectsize_abs and pvalue score types are agnositic to up/down regulation). So when score_type was set to any of effectsize/effectsize_down/effectsize_up, the z-scores are negative values in case the "score_type" output column is "effectsize_down".

See Also



# note; this example downloads data when first run, and typically takes ~60seconds

# store the downloaded files in the following directory. Here, the temporary file
# directory is used. Alternatively, consider storing this data in a more permanent location.
# e.g. output_dir="~/data/goat" on unix systems or output_dir="C:/data/goat" on Windows
output_dir = tempdir()

## first run the default example from test_genesets() to obtain input data
datasets = download_goat_manuscript_data(output_dir)
genelist = datasets$`Wingo 2020:mass-spec:PMID32424284`
genesets_asis = download_genesets_goatrepo(output_dir)
genesets_filtered = filter_genesets(genesets_asis, genelist)

### we here compare GOAT with precomputed null distributions against
### a GOAT function that performs bootstrapping to compute null distributions on-demand

# apply goat with precomputed null (default) and goat with on-demand bootstrapping
result_precomputed = test_genesets(genesets_filtered, genelist, method = "goat",
  score_type = "effectsize", padj_method = "bonferroni", padj_cutoff = 0.05) |>
  # undo sorting by p-value @ test_genesets(), instead sort by stable IDs
  arrange(source, id)
result_bootstrapped = test_genesets(genesets_filtered, genelist, method = "goat_bootstrap",
  score_type = "effectsize", padj_method = "bonferroni", padj_cutoff = 0.05, verbose = TRUE) |>
  arrange(source, id)

# tables should align
stopifnot(result_precomputed$id == result_bootstrapped$id)
# no missing values
stopifnot(is.finite(result_precomputed$pvalue) &

# compare results
plot(result_precomputed$pvalue, result_bootstrapped$pvalue)
abline(0, 1, col=2)

abline(0, 1, col=2)

summary(minlog10_fixzero(result_precomputed$pvalue) -

[Package goat version 1.0 Index]