test_genesets {goat}R Documentation

Perform geneset enrichment testing using any supported method


Perform geneset enrichment testing using any supported method


  padj_method = "BH",
  padj_sources = TRUE,
  padj_cutoff = 0.01,
  padj_min_signifgenes = 0L,



tibble with genesets, must contain columns 'source', 'source_version', 'id', 'name', 'genes', 'ngenes', 'ngenes_signif'


tibble with genes, must contain column 'gene' and 'test'. gene = character column, which are matched against list column 'genes' in genesets tibble. test = boolean column (you can set all to FALSE if not performing Fisher-exact or hypergeometric test downstream)


method for overrepresentation analysis. Options: "goat", "hypergeometric", "fisherexact", "fisherexact_ease", "gsea", "idea"


first step of multiple testing correction; method for p-value adjustment, passed to stats::p.adjust() via padjust_genesets(), e.g. set "BH" to compute FDR adjusted p-values (default) or "bonferroni" for a more stringent procedure


second step of multiple testing correction; apply Bonferroni adjustment to all p-values according to the number of geneset sources that were tested. Boolean parameter, set TRUE to enable (default) or FALSE to disable


cutoff for adjusted p-value, signif column is set to TRUE for all values lesser-equals


if a value larger than zero is provided, this will perform additional post-hoc filtering; after p-value adjustment, set the pvalue_adjust to NA and signif to FALSE for all genesets with fewer than padj_min_signifgenes 'input genes that were significant' (ngenes_signif column in genesets table). So this does not affect the accuracy of estimated p-values, in contrast to prefiltering genesets prior to p-value computation or adjusting p-values


further parameters are passed to the respective stats method


After application of the enrichment testing algorithm (e.g. GOAT, ORA or GSEA), multiple testing correction is applied to obtain adjusted p-values using padjust_genesets. That function will first apply the specified pvalue adjustment procedure in the padj_method parameter within each 'source' in the genesets table. Second, it applies Bonferroni adjustment to all p-values according to the number of different geneset sources that were tested (or set padj_sources = FALSE to disable).

For example, if the input is a genesets table that contains GO_CC, GO_BP and GO_MF genesets, first multiple testing correction is applied within each source (e.g. using FDR if so desired) and afterwards a Bonferroni correction is applied based on 3 repeated analyses.

Note that this is more rigorous than typical GO tools; hypothetically, one could split all GO_CC pathways into 1000 different databases/'sources' and then run enrichment testing. Consequently, the multiple testing burden is reduced if one doesn't adjust p-values for the number of 'sources' as we do here.


the input genesets, with results stored in columns 'pvalue', 'pvalue_adjust' and 'signif'


#' # note; this example downloads data when first run, and typically takes ~60seconds

## Basic example for a complete GOAT workflow
# Downloads test data to your computer and stores it at current working directory
# Refer to the GitHub documentation for elaborate documentation and a worked example

# store the downloaded files in the following directory. Here, the temporary file
# directory is used. Alternatively, consider storing this data in a more permanent location.
# e.g. output_dir="~/data/go" on unix systems or output_dir="C:/data/go" on Windows
output_dir = tempdir()

# download an example gene list
datasets = download_goat_manuscript_data(output_dir)
genelist = datasets$`Wingo 2020:mass-spec:PMID32424284`

# download GO genesets
genesets_asis = download_genesets_goatrepo(output_dir)

# filter genesets for sufficient overlap with the genelist, then apply GOAT
genesets_filtered = filter_genesets(genesets_asis, genelist)
result = test_genesets(genesets_filtered, genelist, method = "goat",
  score_type = "effectsize", padj_method = "bonferroni", padj_cutoff = 0.05)

# print first 10 rows of the result table
print(result |> select(source, name, ngenes, pvalue_adjust) |> utils::head(n=10))

[Package goat version 1.0 Index]