load_genesets_go_bioconductor {goat}R Documentation

human gene (NCBI entrez ID) annotations from the GO database using the 'org.Hs.eg.db' Bioconductor package


Download and import genesets from the GO database using the Bioconductor infrastructure. Use the goat::load_genesets_go_fromfile function for more fine-grained control over the GO database version that you use; it allows you to import NCBI gene2go files


load_genesets_go_bioconductor(include_child_annotations = TRUE)



boolean; include annotations against child terms? In most situations, TRUE (default) is the desired setting


Note that org.Hs.eg.db pulls data semi-annually from NCBI gene2go, but the GO database version returned by this function is tied to the version of the org.Hs.eg.db on your computer (this is controlled by the Bioconductor infrastructure).

The actual GO database version that is retrieved is returned by this function in the source_version column.


table with columns; source (character), source_version (character), id (character), name (character), genes (list), ngenes (int)

[Package goat version 1.0 Index]