go2bigq {go2bigq}R Documentation

Function to convert various numerics to bigqwith full precision.


Convert a numeric, a character string representing a numeric, or various mpfr classes to a bigq fraction. The output has the same precision as the input.


go2bigq(x,  ...)



A value of class numeric, mpfr, mpfr1, or character. A list containing any one of these classes is allowed. See Details for various limitations


Parameters which could be used to modify the default behavior of formatMpfr. See Details for more information.


The input x , if a list, must contain only one of the allowed classes. Character strings which represent numbers must be of the form [+,-]X[.]Y[e,E[+,-]Z], where X, Y, and Z are strictly limited to the numerals [0:9]. None of the other character options listed are required (except of course "[+,-]Z" is disallowed unless "[e,E]" exists.) The function formatMpfr accepts several arguments to adjust the output character string (number of digits precision, e.g.). go2bigq passes the ... objects to formatMpfr.


A bigq object containing a vector of bigq fractions .


Carl Witthoft, carl@witthoft.com

See Also

.bigq2mpfr, .bigz2mpfr, as.bigq


(go2bigq(0.17 + 1:5))
(go2bigq(as.character(0.17 + 1:5))) 
(go2bigq(mpfr(0.17 + 1:5,100))) 
as.numeric(go2bigq('017.3200e-10')[1] - go2bigq(0017.3200e-10)[1])

[Package go2bigq version 2.0.1 Index]