gnrprod {gnrprod}R Documentation

Estimate production functions and productivity: Gandhi, Navarro, and Rivers (2020)


The gnrprod function is the front end of the gnrprod package. It estimates production functions and productivity in two stages: gnrflex (estimate flexible input elasticity) and gnriv (estimate fixed input elasticities and productivity). If the production-related inputs are characters, a data.frame must be specified under data. Alternatively, matrices/vectors may be directly specified without specifying data. gnrprod currently supports only one flexible input.


gnrprod(output, fixed, flex, share, in_price = NULL,
               out_price = NULL, id, time, data, B = NULL,
               fs_control = NULL, ss_control = NULL, ...)



name (character) of variable of log gross output in data or a numeric vector.


name (character or character vector) of variables of log fixed inputs in data or a numeric matrix.


name (character) of variable of log flexible input in data or a numeric vector.


name (character) of variable of log intermediate input's revenue share in data or a numeric vector.


optional (required if share is not specified) name (character) of variable of common flexible input price or a numeric vector.


optional (required if share is not specified) name (character) of variable of common output price or a numeric vector.


name (character) of variable of firm ID in data or a numeric vector.


name (character) of variable of time in data or a numeric vector.


data.frame containing all variables with names specified by arguments above (left empty if arguments above are vector/matrix rather than strings).


number of bootstrap repetitions to retrieve standard errors of elasticity estimates. By default, gnrprod does not bootstrap, i.e., B = NULL. Setting B > 1 will output bootstrapped standard errors.


an optional list of convergence settings of the first stage. See gnrflex.control for listing.


an optional list of convergence settings of the second stage. See gnriv.control for listing.


additional optional arguments to be passed to optim in the second stage.


a list of class 'gnr' with five elements:

estimates: a list with two elements: elas the parameter estimates and std_errors the standard errors.

data: a data.frame containing: output, fixed, flex, share, id, time, estimated elasticities for each observation, estimated productivity, and first stage residuals.

first_stage: a list containing five elements describing the share regression (first stage):

second_stage: a list containing four elements describing the second stage:

call: the function call.


Gandhi, Amit, Salvador Navarro, and David Rivers. 2020. "On the Identification of Gross Output Production Functions." Journal of Political Economy, 128(8): 2973-3016. doi:10.1086/707736.


data <- colombian
industry_311 <- gnrprod(output = "RGO", fixed = c("L", "K"),
                        flex = "RI", share = "share", id = "id",
                        time = "year", data = data,
                        fs_control = list(degree = 2, maxit = 200),
                        ss_control = list(trace = 1))

[Package gnrprod version 1.1.2 Index]