se.gnm {gnm}R Documentation

Standard Errors of Linear Parameter Combinations in gnm Models


Computes approximate standard errors for (a selection of) individual parameters or one or more linear combinations of the parameters in a gnm (generalized nonlinear model) object. By default, a check is made first on the estimability of each specified combination.


## S3 method for class 'gnm'
se(object, estimate = NULL, checkEstimability = TRUE, 
       Vcov = NULL, dispersion = NULL, ...)



a model object of class "gnm".


(optional) specifies parameters or linear combinations of parameters for which to find standard errors. In the first case either a character vector of names, a numeric vector of indices or "[?]" to select from a Tk dialog. In the second case coefficients given as a vector or the rows of a matrix, such that NROW(estimate) is equal to length(coef(object)). If NULL, standard errors are returned for all (non-eliminated) parameters in the model.


logical: should the estimability of all specified combinations be checked?


either NULL, or a matrix


either NULL, or a positive number


possible further arguments for checkEstimable.


A data frame with two columns:


The estimated parameter combinations

Std. Error

Their estimated standard errors

If available, the column names of coefMatrix will be used to name the rows.


In the case where estimate is a numeric vector, se will assume that indices have been specified if all the values of estimate are in seq(length(coef(object)).

Where both Vcov and dispersion are supplied, the variance-covariance matrix of estimated model coefficients is taken to be Vcov * dispersion.


David Firth and Heather Turner

See Also

gnm, getContrasts, checkEstimable, ofInterest



## Fit the "UNIDIFF" mobility model across education levels
unidiff <- gnm(Freq ~ educ*orig + educ*dest +
               Mult(Exp(educ), orig:dest),
               ofInterest = "[.]educ", family = poisson,
               data = yaish,  subset = (dest != 7))
## Deviance is 200.3

## Get estimate and se for the contrast between educ4 and educ5 in the
## UNIDIFF multiplier
mycontrast <- numeric(length(coef(unidiff)))
mycontrast[ofInterest(unidiff)[4:5]] <- c(1, -1)
se(unidiff, mycontrast)

## Get all of the contrasts with educ5 in the UNIDIFF multipliers
getContrasts(unidiff, rev(ofInterest(unidiff)))

[Package gnm version 1.1-5 Index]