Topo {gnm} | R Documentation |
Topological Interaction of Factors
Given two or more factors Topo
creates an interaction factor
as specified by an array of levels, which may be arbitrarily
Topo(..., spec = NULL)
... |
two or more factors |
spec |
an array of levels, with dimensions corresponding to the number of levels of each factor in the interaction |
A factor of levels extracted from the levels array given in
, using the given factors as index variables.
David Firth
Erikson, R., Goldthorpe, J. H. and Portocarero, L. (1982) Social Fluidity in Industrial Nations: England, France and Sweden. Brit. J. Sociol. 33(1), 1-34.
Xie, Y. (1992) The Log-multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables. Am. Sociol. Rev. 57(3), 380-395.
See Also
and Diag
for special cases
### Collapse to 7 by 7 table as in Erikson (1982)
erikson <-
lvl <- levels(erikson$origin)
levels(erikson$origin) <- levels(erikson$destination) <-
c(rep(paste(lvl[1:2], collapse = " + "), 2), lvl[3],
rep(paste(lvl[4:5], collapse = " + "), 2), lvl[6:9])
erikson <- xtabs(Freq ~ origin + destination + country, data = erikson)
### Create array of interaction levels as in Table 2 of Xie (1992)
levelMatrix <- matrix(c(2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6,
3, 3, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6,
4, 4, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5,
6, 6, 5, 1, 6, 5, 2,
4, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5,
5, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5,
6, 6, 5, 3, 5, 4, 1), 7, 7, byrow = TRUE)
### Fit the levels models given in Table 3 of Xie (1992)
## Null association between origin and destination
nullModel <- gnm(Freq ~ country:origin + country:destination,
family = poisson, data = erikson)
## Interaction specified by levelMatrix, common to all countries
commonTopo <- update(nullModel, ~ . +
Topo(origin, destination, spec = levelMatrix))
## Interaction specified by levelMatrix, different multiplier for
## each country
multTopo <- update(nullModel, ~ . +
Topo(origin, destination, spec = levelMatrix)))
## Interaction specified by levelMatrix, different effects for
## each country
separateTopo <- update(nullModel, ~ . +
country:Topo(origin, destination,
spec = levelMatrix))
[Package gnm version 1.1-5 Index]