cola |
GNSS time series for PBO station COLA |
compare_fits |
Compare graphically two 'gnsstsmodel' objects. |
create.gnssts |
Create a gnssts object |
create_A_matrix |
Define matrix A of the functional model |
estimate_gmwmx |
Estimate a stochastic model in a two-steps procedure using the GMWMX estimator. |
estimate_hector |
Estimate a stochastic model based on the MLE and the Hector implementation. |
PBO_get_offsets |
Extract offsets for a PBO station |
PBO_get_station |
Load station data from PBO |
plot.gnsstsmodel |
Plotting method for a 'gnsstsmodel' object. |
print.gnsstsmodel |
Print method for a 'gnsstsmodel' object. |
read.gnssts |
Read a gnssts object |
remove_outliers_hector |
Remove outliers from a gnssts object using Hector |
write.gnssts |
Write a gnssts object |