adrrgvp |
average daily risk range |
aucgvp |
area under curve |
avggvp |
average mean |
bgigvp |
blood glucose index |
chargvp |
glucose characterization measures |
congagvp |
continuous overall net glycemic action |
cvgvp |
percentage coefficient of variation |
datagvp1 |
clean data-set from Abbott continuous glucose monitoring |
datagvp2 |
clean data-set from Medtronic continuous glucose monitoring |
datagvp3 |
clean data-set from Abbott continuous glucose monitoring |
datagvp4 |
raw data-set from Medtronic continuous glucose monitoring |
fillgvp |
fill missing glucose values from continuous glucose monitoring |
iqrgvp |
inter-quartile range |
jigvp |
j index |
ligvp |
lability index |
magegvp |
mean amplitude of glycemic excursions |
meangvp |
arithmetic mean |
mvgvp |
m value |
plotboxgvp |
box plot of glucose values and glucose variability measures |
plotboxmgvp |
box plot of multiple glucose variability measures |
plotchargvp |
bar plot of glucose characterization measures |
plotgvp |
plot glucose values and glucose variability measures |
plotmgvp |
plot multiple glucose variability measures |
preprocessgvp |
preprocessing raw data from continuous glucose monitoring |
pstrgvp |
percentage spent below/above the target range |
sdgvp |
standard deviation |
strgvp |
information about data-set |
unitsgvp |
change units of glucose values |