Plot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major Coastline

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Documentation for package ‘globe’ version 1.2-0

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globe-package Simple 2D and 3D plots of Spheres including Earth
cross Cross Product
dot Dot Product
earth Major Coastline of Earth
ensure3d Checking and converting coordinates
ensurelonlat Checking and converting coordinates
flatearth Plot the Earth as a 2D Projection
flatpoints Plot Points on a 2D Projection of the Earth
globe Simple 2D and 3D plots of Spheres including Earth
globearrows Plot points, lines and arrows on a globe
globedrawlat Drawing lines of latitude and longitude
globedrawlong Drawing lines of latitude and longitude
globeearth Plot Earth as 3D Globe
globelines Plot points, lines and arrows on a globe
globepoints Plot points, lines and arrows on a globe
orthogproj Orthogonal Projection
place Locations of Some Places on Earth
runifsphere Random Points on a Sphere
runifsphere.wrong Random Points on a Sphere
spatialpos Convert Geographical to Cartesian Coordinates