get_restricted_ou {glinvci}R Documentation

Convenience function for constructing restricted/reparameterised OU parameterisation function.


get_restricted_ou is a convenience function for constructing restricted/reparameterised OU parameterisation.


get_restricted_ou(H = NULL, theta = NULL, Sig = NULL, lossmiss = "halt")



One of NULL, 'symmetric', 'logspd', 'spd', 'diag', 'logdiag', 'zero', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'zero', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'diag', or a numerical vector specifying fixed parameters.


One of NULL, 'zap', 'halt'.


get_restricted_ou is intended to provide a more convenient way to construct the restrictions functions, restricted Jacobian and Hessian, than the more flexible methods described in parameter_restriction.

If either one of H, theta is 'zero' but not both, the function stops with error. This is because former is statistically not sensible, and the latter can be done by directly passing a vector of zero to the theta argument.

If lossmiss is NULL, the returned functions does not have capability to handle missing or lost values.


A list containing the following elements:


A reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parfns argument of glinv.


A Jacobian function of the above reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parjacs argument of glinv.


A Hessian function of the above reparameterisation function conforming to the format required by the parhess argument of glinv.


A function which accepts one integer argument, the total number of dimensions of the multivariate traits, and returns the number of parameters of the restricted model.


### --- STEP 1: Make an example tree
set.seed(0x5EEDL, kind='Super-Duper')
ntips = 200
k     = 2                 # No. of trait dimensions
tr    = ape::rtree(ntips) 
x0    = rnorm(k)

### --- STEP 2: Make a model which has unrestricted H, fixed theta and diagonal Sigma_x'.
repar = get_restricted_ou(H=NULL, theta=c(3,1), Sig='diag', lossmiss=NULL)
mod   = glinv(tr, x0, X=NULL,
              pardims =repar$nparams(k),
              parfns  =repar$par,
              parjacs =repar$jac,
              parhess =repar$hess)
# Actually, to save typing, the following short-cut call is the same as the above:
# mod = glinv(tr, x0, X=NULL, repar=repar)

### --- STEP 3: Set up parameters; H, theta, and sig_x needs to be concatenated
H     = matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), k)
theta = c(3,1)
sig   = matrix(c(0.25,0,0,0.25), k)
sig_x = t(chol(sig))
par_truth = c(H=H, sig_x=c(0.5,0.5))

### --- STEP 4: Get a simulated data set to toy with
X = rglinv(mod, par=par_truth)
set_tips(mod, X)

### --- STEP 5: Make an unrestricted model object to compare with the one
### whose parameters are restricted.
mod_unrestricted = glinv(tr, x0, X,

### --- STEP 6: Confirm this is indeed the same as typing everything manually
## Does the restricted model gives the same likelihood as the unrestricted? (Yes, it does.)
LIK   = lik(mod)(par_truth)
LIK_unrestricted = lik(mod_unrestricted)(c(H,theta,sig_x[lower.tri(sig_x, diag=TRUE)]))
print(LIK == LIK_unrestricted)
# [1] TRUE
## We can as well type everything manually as follows. This mod_manual should be
## the same as the mod object; just a different way of calling the glinv function.
mod_manual = glinv(tr, x0, X,
                   pardims  = nparams_ou_fixedtheta_diagSig(k),
                   parfns   = ou_fixedtheta_diagSig(oupar,   theta=c(3,1)),
                   parjacs  = dou_fixedtheta_diagSig(oujac,  theta=c(3,1)),
                   parhess  = hou_fixedtheta_diagSig(ouhess, theta=c(3,1)))
LIK_manual = lik(mod_manual)(par_truth)
print(LIK == LIK_manual) #It's really the same
# [1] TRUE

[Package glinvci version 1.2.4 Index]