gldrm {gldrm}R Documentation

Fits a generalized linear density ratio model (GLDRM)


A GLDRM is a semiparametric generalized linear model. In contrast to a GLM, which assumes a particular exponential family distribution, the GLDRM uses a semiparametric likelihood to estimate the reference distribution. The reference distribution may be any discrete, continuous, or mixed exponential family distribution. The model parameters, which include both the regression coefficients and the cdf of the unspecified reference distribution, are estimated by maximizing a semiparametric likelihood. Regression coefficients are estimated with no loss of efficiency, i.e. the asymptotic variance is the same as if the true exponential family distribution were known.


  data = NULL,
  link = "identity",
  mu0 = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  gldrmControl = gldrm.control(),
  thetaControl = theta.control(),
  betaControl = beta.control(),
  f0Control = f0.control()



An object of class "formula".


An optional data frame containing the variables in the model.


Link function. Can be a character string to be passed to the function in the stats package (e.g. "identity", "logit", or "log"). Alternatively, link can be a list containing three functions named linkfun, linkinv, and mu.eta. The first is the link function. The second is the inverse link function. The third is the derivative of the inverse link function. All three functions must be vectorized.


Mean of the reference distribution. The reference distribution is not unique unless its mean is restricted to a specific value. This value can be any number within the range of observed values, but values near the boundary may cause numerical instability. This is an optional argument with mean(y) being the default value.


Known component of the linear term. Offset must be passed through this argument - offset terms in the formula will be ignored. value and covariate values. If sampling weights are a function of both the response value and covariates, then sampprobs must be a n×qn \times q matrix, where nn is the number of observations and qq is the number of unique observed values in the response vector. If sampling weights do not depend on the covariate values, then sampprobs may alternatively be passed as a vector of length nn. All values must be nonnegative and are assumed to correspond to the sorted response values in increasing order.


Optional control arguments. Passed as an object of class "gldrmControl", which is constructed by the gldrm.control function. See gldrm.control documentation for details.


Optional control arguments for the theta update procedure. Passed as an object of class "thetaControl", which is constructed by the theta.control function. See theta.control documentation for details.


Optional control arguments for the beta update procedure. Passed as an object of class "betaControl", which is constructed by the beta.control function. See beta.control documentation for details.


Optional control arguments for the f0 update procedure. Passed as an object of class "f0Control", which is constructed by the f0.control function. See f0.control documentation for details.


The arguments linkfun, linkinv, and mu.eta mirror the "link-glm" class. Objects of this class can be created with the function.

The "gldrm" class is a list of the following items.


An S3 object of class "gldrm". See details.


data(iris, package="datasets")

# Fit a gldrm with log link
fit <- gldrm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species,
             data=iris, link="log")

# Fit a gldrm with custom link function
link <- list()
link$linkfun <- function(mu) log(mu)^3
link$linkinv <- function(eta) exp(eta^(1/3))
link$mu.eta <- function(eta) exp(eta^(1/3)) * 1/3 * eta^(-2/3)
fit2 <- gldrm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species,
              data=iris, link=link)

[Package gldrm version 1.6 Index]