gkmSVM-package {gkmSVM}R Documentation

Gapped-Kmer Support Vector Machine


Imports the 'gkmSVM' v2.0 functionalities into R <http://www.beerlab.org/gkmsvm/> . It also uses the 'kernlab' library (separate R package by different authors) for various SVM algorithms.


The gkm-SVM provides implementation of a new SVM kernel method using gapped k-mers as features for DNA or Protein sequences.

There are three main functions in the gkmSVM package:

gkmsvm_kernel: computes the kernel matrix

gkmsvm_train: computes the SVM coefficients

gkmsvm_classify: scores new sequences using the SVM model



We introduce the users to the basic workflow of our gkmSVM step-by-step. Please refer to help messages for more detailed information of each function.

1) making a kernel matrix

First of all, we should calculate a full kernel matrix before training SVM classifiers. In this tutorial, we are going to use test_positives.fa as a positive set, and test_negatives.fa as a negative set.

#Input file names:

posfn= 'test_positives.fa' #positive set (FASTA format)

negfn= 'test_negatives.fa' #negative set (FASTA format)

testfn= 'test_testset.fa' #test set (FASTA format)

Alternatively if the negative set is not available, and positive set is provided as a bed file, genNullSeqs function could be used to generate the negative set and positive set sequences.

#Output file names:

kernelfn= 'test_kernel.txt' #kernel matrix

svmfnprfx= 'test_svmtrain' #SVM files

outfn = 'output.txt' #output scores for sequences in the test set

gkmsvm_kernel(posfn, negfn, kernelfn); #computes kernel

2) training SVM

We can now train a SVM classifier using the kernel matrix generated above. For that we use gkmsvm_train function It takes four arguments; kernel file, positive sequences file, negative sequences file, and prefix of output file names for the svm model.

gkmsvm_train(kernelfn, posfn, negfn, svmfnprfx); #trains SVM

It will generate two files, test_svmtrain_svalpha.out and test_svmtrain_svseq.fa, which will then be used for classification/scoring of test sequences as described below.

3) classification using SVM

gkmsvm_classify can be used to score any set of sequences. Here, we will score the test sequences which are given in test_testset.fa. Note that the same set of parameters used in the gkmsvm_kernel should always be specified for optimal classification (here we used default parameters).

gkmsvm_classify(testfn, svmfnprfx, outfn); #scores test sequences

In a more advanced example, we set the word length L=18, and the number of non-gapped positions K=7, and maximum number of mismatches maxnmm=4:

gkmsvm_kernel(posfn, negfn, kernelfn, L=18, K=7, maxnmm=4); #computes kernel

gkmsvm_train(kernelfn,posfn, negfn, svmfnprfx); #trains SVM

gkmsvm_classify(testfn, svmfnprfx, outfn, L=18, K=7, maxnmm=4); #scores test sequences

In another example, we run a 5-fold cross validation to plot the ROC curves:

gkmsvm_kernel(posfn, negfn, kernelfn); #computes kernel

cvres = gkmsvm_trainCV(kernelfn, posfn, negfn, svmfnprfx, outputPDFfn='ROC.pdf', outputCVpredfn='cvpred.out'); #trains SVM, plots ROC and PRC curves, and outputs model predictions.


Mahmoud Ghandi

Maintainer: Mike Beer <mbeer@jhu.edu>


Ghandi M, Lee D, Mohammad-Noori M, Beer MA. 2014. Enhanced Regulatory Sequence Prediction Using Gapped k-mer Features. PLoS Comput Biol 10: e1003711.

Ghandi M, Mohammad-Noori M, Ghareghani N, Lee D, Garraway LA, and Beer MA. 2016. gkmSVM an R package for gapped-kmer SVM, Bioinformatics 32 (14), 2205-2207.


  #Input file names:  
  posfn= 'test_positives.fa'   #positive set (FASTA format)
  negfn= 'test_negatives.fa'   #negative set (FASTA format)
  testfn= 'test_testset.fa'    #test set (FASTA format)
  #Output file names:  
  kernelfn= 'test_kernel.txt' #kernel matrix
  svmfnprfx= 'test_svmtrain'  #SVM files 
  outfn =   'output.txt'      #output scores for sequences in the test set       

#  gkmsvm_kernel(posfn, negfn, kernelfn);                #computes kernel 
#  gkmsvm_train(kernelfn, posfn, negfn, svmfnprfx);       #trains SVM
#  gkmsvm_classify(testfn, svmfnprfx, outfn);            #scores test sequences 

#  using L=18, K=7, maxnmm=4

#  gkmsvm_kernel(posfn, negfn, kernelfn, L=18, K=7, maxnmm=4);     #computes kernel 
#  gkmsvm_train(kernelfn, posfn, negfn, svmfnprfx);                 #trains SVM
#  gkmsvm_classify(testfn, svmfnprfx, outfn, L=18, K=7, maxnmm=4); #scores test sequences 

[Package gkmSVM version 0.83.0 Index]