'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git

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Documentation for package ‘gitgadget’ version 0.8.1

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add_users_repo Add users to a repo
assign_work Assign work to each student/team by creating a fork of the main repo
checkerr Check error status
check_tokens Check student tokens
collect_work Create merge requests for each student/team
create_group Create a group on GitLab using the API
create_repo Create the main repo from a local directory
fetch_work Fetch all merge requests as local branches and link to a remote
get_port noRd export
gitgadget gitgadget
gitgadget_callr Launch gitgadget in a separate process
gitgadget_url Start gitgadget and show url to open the application in an external browser
projID Find project ID
read_ufile Reach user file
remove_project Remove a project
remove_users_repo Remove users from a repo