Turn Your Git Commit Messages into a HTML Book

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Documentation for package ‘gitdown’ version 0.1.6

Help Pages

create_vignette_last_modif Creates and updates a vignette in the 'vignette/' directory of a package with last modification time of tracked files
each_pattern Create the text to add in a markdown file to present each pattern as a chapter of the book
fake_repo Create a fake git repository in a specific folder
get_commits_pattern Get commits associated with a text pattern
get_commits_tags Get commits associated chronologically with tags
get_info Get the first and last modification time for a specific file, based on git2r::blame().
get_last_modif Get the first and last modification time of files of a directory
git_down Turns the active branch history of git into a bookdown.
nest_commits_by_pattern Nest all commits by each pattern found in the commit messages
present_files Presenting results of files and last modification time in a printed table using 'kable()'
update_vignette_last_modif Creates and updates a vignette in the 'vignette/' directory of a package with last modification time of tracked files