Fit and Simulate Generalised Hypergeometric Ensembles of Graphs

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Documentation for package ‘ghypernet’ version 1.1.0

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adj2el Maps adjacency matrix to edgelist
adj_karate Zachary's Karate Club graph
as.ghype Map list to ghype object
as.ghype.list Map list to ghype object
as.ghype.nrm Map list to ghype object
bccm Fitting bccm models
BootstrapProperty BootstrapProperty computes igraph analytics function on ensemble
checkGraphtype Check graph input type (for whether it's a graph or a edgelist).
coef.nrm Extraction method for coefficients of models of class "nrm".
ComputeXi Auxiliary function. Computes combinatorial matrix.
compute_xi Auxiliary function. Computes combinatorial matrix.
conf.test Test regular (gnp) vs configuration model
contacts.adj Highschool contact network adjacency matrix
cospons_mat Swiss MPs network adjacency matrix
coxsnellR2 Computes Cox and Snell pseudo R-squared for nrm models.
CreateIgGraphs Convert a list of adjacency matrices to a list of igraph graphs.
createPredictors Create a nrmpredictor object from passed argument
create_predictors Create a nrmpredictor object from passed argument
create_predictors.list Create a nrmpredictor object from list
dt Swiss MPs attribute data frame.
dtcommittee Swiss MPs committee affiliation data frame.
el2adj Maps edgelist to adjacency matrix
extract.nrm.cluster Extract details from statistical models for table construction. The function has methods for a range of statistical models.
FitOmega Fit propensity matrix for full model
get_zero_dummy Create a dummy variable to encode zero values of another variable.
ghype Fitting gHypEG models
ghype.default Fitting gHypEG models
ghype.igraph Fitting gHypEG models
ghype.matrix Fitting gHypEG models
gof.test Perform a goodness-of-fit test
highschool.multiplex Highschool contact network multiplex representation
highschool.predictors Highschool contact network predictors
homophily_stat Calculate homophily in multi-edge graphs.
isNetwork Test null model vs full ghype.
JnBlock Fisher Information matrix for estimators in block models.
linkSignificance Estimate statistical deviations from ghype model
link_significance Estimate statistical deviations from ghype model
logl General method to compute log-likelihood for ghype models.
logl.ghype General method to compute log-likelihood for ghype models.
logl.matrix General method to compute log-likelihood for ghype models.
logLik.ghype Extract Log-Likelihood
loglratio Compute log-likelihood ratio for ghype models.
lr.test Perform likelihood ratio test between two ghype models.
mat2vec.ix Auxiliary function, gives mask for matrix for directed, undirected etc.
mcfaddenR2 Computes Mc Fadden pseudo R-squared. Confidence intervals for nrm models.
nr.significance Computes the significance of more complex model against a simpler model by means of a likelihood ratio test.
nrm Fitting gHypEG regression models for multi-edge networks.
nrm.default Fitting gHypEG regression models for multi-edge networks.
nrmChoose Selects the best set of predictors among the given sets by means of AIC.
nrmSelection Perform AIC forward selection for nrm.
nrm_choose Selects the best set of predictors among the given sets by means of AIC.
nrm_selection Perform AIC forward selection for nrm.
nrm_selection.default Perform AIC forward selection for nrm.
nrm_selection.nrmpredictor Perform AIC forward selection for nrm.
onlinesim_mat Swiss MPs committee similarity matrix.
predict.nrm Method to predict the expected values of a nrm model
print.bccm Fitting bccm models
print.ghype Fitting gHypEG models
print.nrm Fitting gHypEG regression models for multi-edge networks.
print.nrm_selection Perform AIC forward selection for nrm.
print.summary.nrm Summary method for elements of class "nrm".
print.summary.nrm_selection Summary method for elements of class "nrm_selection".
reciprocity_stat Calculate weighted reciprocity change statistics for multi-edge graphs.
regularm Fit the gnm model
residuals.nrm Method to compute residuals of nrm models
rghype Generate random realisations from ghype model.
RMSE Computes the Root Mean Squared Error
RMSLE Computes the Root Mean Squared Logged Error
scm Fit the Soft-Configuration Model
sharedPartner_stat Calculate (un-)weighted shared partner change statistics for multi-edge graphs.
summary.nrm Summary method for elements of class "nrm".
summary.nrm_selection Summary method for elements of class "nrm_selection".
vec2mat Auxiliary function, produces matrix from vector
vertexlabels Zachary's Karate Club vertex faction assignment