Post-Process 'ggplot2' Plots with 'TikZ' Code Using Plot Coordinates

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Documentation for package ‘ggtikz’ version 0.1.3

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discretize Replace Infinites by discrete values
get_padding_from_elements Calculate length of padding from plot elements
ggtikz Create a canvas and add a TikZ annotation.
ggtikzAnnotation Prepare a TikZ annotation for a ggplot.
ggtikzCanvas Create a canvas to store TikZ annotations to a ggplot.
ggtikzTransform Transform TikZ coordinates according to scale transformations
ggtikzUninfinite Replace Inf in TikZ coordinates
gg_to_npc.ggtikzCanvas Convert data coordinates to npc coordinates.
set_ggtikz_unclip_hook Unclip plots produced by the 'tikzDevice'.
split_coord Split a TikZ coordinate.
tikz_exts_pattern Construct a regex pattern for possible tikzDevice extensions.
unclip knitr hook to remove clipping from plots produced with the tikzDevice.
unclip_tikz Unclip a plot produced by the 'tikzDevice'.
uninfinite_coord Replace infinite values in TikZ coordinates
uninfinite_tikz Replace infinite values in TikZ coordinates
unset_ggtikz_unclip_hook Unclip plots produced by the 'tikzDevice'.