Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'

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Documentation for package ‘ggthemes’ version 5.1.0

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-- B --

bank_slopes Bank Slopes to 45 degrees

-- C --

calc_pal Calc color palette (discrete)
calc_shape_pal Calc shape palette (discrete)
canva_pal Canva.com color palettes
canva_palettes 150 Color Palettes from Canva
circlefill_shape_pal Filled Circle Shape palette (discrete)
cleveland_shape_pal Shape palette from Cleveland "Elements of Graphing Data" (discrete).
colorblind_pal Colorblind Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales

-- E --

economist_pal Economist color palette (discrete)
excel_new_pal Excel (current versions) color palettes (discrete)
excel_pal Excel 97 ugly color palettes (discrete)
extended_range_breaks Pretty axis breaks inclusive of extreme values
extended_range_breaks_ Pretty axis breaks inclusive of extreme values

-- F --

few_pal Color Palettes Few "Show Me the Numbers"
few_shape_pal Shape palette from "Show Me the Numbers" (discrete)
fivethirtyeight_pal FiveThirtyEight color palette

-- G --

gdocs_pal Google Docs color palette (discrete)
GeomRangeFrame Range Frames
GeomTufteboxplot Tufte's Box Plot
geom_rangeframe Range Frames
geom_tufteboxplot Tufte's Box Plot
ggthemes_data Palette and theme data

-- H --

hc_pal Highcharts color palette (discrete)

-- P --

palette_pander Color palette from the pander package
ptol_pal Color Palettes from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemes"

-- S --

scale_color_calc LibreOffice Calc color scales
scale_color_canva Discrete color scale using canva.com color palettes
scale_color_colorblind Colorblind Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
scale_color_continuous_tableau Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)
scale_color_economist Economist color scales
scale_color_excel Excel 97 ugly color scales
scale_color_excel_new Excel (current versions) color scales
scale_color_few Color scales from Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"
scale_color_fivethirtyeight FiveThirtyEight color scales
scale_color_gdocs Google Docs color scales
scale_color_gradient2_tableau Tableau diverging colour scales (continuous)
scale_color_gradient_tableau Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)
scale_color_hc Highcharts color and fill scales
scale_color_pander Color scale from the pander package
scale_color_ptol Color Scales from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemes
scale_color_solarized Solarized color scales
scale_color_stata Stata color scales
scale_color_tableau Tableau color scales (discrete)
scale_color_wsj Wall Street Journal color and fill scales
scale_colour_calc LibreOffice Calc color scales
scale_colour_canva Discrete color scale using canva.com color palettes
scale_colour_colorblind Colorblind Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
scale_colour_economist Economist color scales
scale_colour_excel Excel 97 ugly color scales
scale_colour_excel_new Excel (current versions) color scales
scale_colour_few Color scales from Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"
scale_colour_fivethirtyeight FiveThirtyEight color scales
scale_colour_gdocs Google Docs color scales
scale_colour_gradient2_tableau Tableau diverging colour scales (continuous)
scale_colour_gradient_tableau Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)
scale_colour_hc Highcharts color and fill scales
scale_colour_pander Color scale from the pander package
scale_colour_ptol Color Scales from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemes
scale_colour_solarized Solarized color scales
scale_colour_stata Stata color scales
scale_colour_tableau Tableau color scales (discrete)
scale_colour_wsj Wall Street Journal color and fill scales
scale_fill_calc LibreOffice Calc color scales
scale_fill_canva Discrete color scale using canva.com color palettes
scale_fill_colorblind Colorblind Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
scale_fill_continuous_tableau Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)
scale_fill_economist Economist color scales
scale_fill_excel Excel 97 ugly color scales
scale_fill_excel_new Excel (current versions) color scales
scale_fill_few Color scales from Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"
scale_fill_fivethirtyeight FiveThirtyEight color scales
scale_fill_gdocs Google Docs color scales
scale_fill_gradient2_tableau Tableau diverging colour scales (continuous)
scale_fill_gradient_tableau Tableau sequential colour scales (continuous)
scale_fill_hc Highcharts color and fill scales
scale_fill_pander Color scale from the pander package
scale_fill_ptol Color Scales from Paul Tol's "Colour Schemes
scale_fill_solarized Solarized color scales
scale_fill_stata Stata color scales
scale_fill_tableau Tableau color scales (discrete)
scale_fill_wsj Wall Street Journal color and fill scales
scale_linetype_stata Stata linetype palette (discrete)
scale_shape_calc Calc shape scale
scale_shape_circlefill Filled Circle Shape palette (discrete)
scale_shape_cleveland Shape scales from Cleveland "Elements of Graphing Data"
scale_shape_few Scales for shapes from "Show Me the Numbers"
scale_shape_stata Stata shape scale
scale_shape_tableau Tableau shape scales
scale_shape_tremmel Shape scales from Tremmel (1995)
show_linetypes Show linetypes
show_shapes Show shapes
smart_digits Format numbers with automatic number of digits
smart_digits_format Format numbers with automatic number of digits
solarized_pal Solarized color palette (discrete)
stata_linetype_pal Stata linetype palette (discrete)
stata_pal Stata color palettes (discrete)
stata_shape_pal Stata shape palette (discrete)
StatFivenumber Calculate components of a five-number summary
stat_fivenumber Calculate components of a five-number summary

-- T --

tableau_color_pal Tableau Color Palettes (discrete)
tableau_div_gradient_pal Tableau colour gradient palettes (continuous)
tableau_gradient_pal Tableau colour gradient palettes (continuous)
tableau_seq_gradient_pal Tableau colour gradient palettes (continuous)
tableau_shape_pal Tableau Shape Palettes (discrete)
theme_base Theme Base
theme_calc Theme Calc
theme_clean Clean ggplot theme
theme_economist ggplot color theme based on the Economist
theme_economist_white ggplot color theme based on the Economist
theme_excel ggplot theme based on old Excel plots
theme_excel_new ggplot theme similar to current Excel plot defaults
theme_few Theme based on Few's "Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts"
theme_fivethirtyeight Theme inspired by FiveThirtyEight plots
theme_foundation Foundation Theme
theme_gdocs Theme with Google Docs Chart defaults
theme_hc Highcharts Theme
theme_igray Inverse gray theme
theme_map Clean theme for maps
theme_pander A ggplot theme originated from the pander package
theme_par Theme which uses the current 'base' graphics parameter values from 'par()'. Not all 'par()' parameters, are supported, and not all are relevant to 'ggplot2' themes.
theme_solarized ggplot color themes based on the Solarized palette
theme_solarized_2 ggplot color themes based on the Solarized palette
theme_solid Theme with nothing other than a background color
theme_stata Themes based on Stata graph schemes
theme_tufte Tufte Maximal Data, Minimal Ink Theme
theme_wsj Wall Street Journal theme
tremmel_shape_pal Shape palette from Tremmel (1995) (discrete)

-- W --

wsj_pal Wall Street Journal color palette (discrete)