ggspectra-package | ggspectra: Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra |
Afr_label | Absorptance axis labels |
autoplot.calibration_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for an irradiation calibration spectrum. |
autoplot.calibration_spct | Create a complete ggplot for an irradiation calibration spectrum. |
autoplot.cps_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for detector-counts per second spectra. |
autoplot.cps_spct | Create a complete ggplot for detector-counts per second spectra. |
autoplot.filter_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for a filter spectrum. |
autoplot.filter_spct | Create a complete ggplot for a filter spectrum. |
autoplot.object_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for a object spectrum. |
autoplot.object_spct | Create a complete ggplot for a object spectrum. |
autoplot.raw_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for raw detector-counts spectra. |
autoplot.raw_spct | Create a complete ggplot for raw detector-counts spectra. |
autoplot.reflector_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for a reflector spectrum. |
autoplot.reflector_spct | Create a complete ggplot for a reflector spectrum. |
autoplot.response_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for a response spectrum. |
autoplot.response_spct | Create a complete ggplot for a response spectrum. |
autoplot.source_mspct | Create a complete ggplot for light-source spectra. |
autoplot.source_spct | Create a complete ggplot for light-source spectra. |
autoplot.waveband | Create a complete ggplot for a waveband descriptor. |
autotitle | Add title, subtitle and caption to a spectral plot |
axis_labels | Default text for axis labels |
axis_labels_none | Default text for axis labels |
axis_labels_uk | Default text for axis labels |
axis_labels_uk_comma | Default text for axis labels |
A_internal_label | Absorbance axis labels |
A_label | Absorbance axis labels |
A_total_label | Absorbance axis labels |
black_or_white | Chose black vs. white color based on weighted mean of RGB channels |
color_chart | Create a color checker chart |
counts_label | Raw-counts axis labels |
cps_label | Counts-per-second axis labels |
exponent2factor | SI unit prefixes |
exponent2prefix | SI unit prefixes |
exponent2prefix_name | SI unit prefixes |
geom_spct | Spectral data plots. |
ggplot | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.calibration_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.cps_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.filter_mspct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.filter_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.generic_mspct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.generic_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.object_mspct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.object_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.raw_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.reflector_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.response_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.source_mspct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggplot.source_spct | Create a new ggplot plot from spectral data. |
ggspectra | ggspectra: Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra |
ggtitle_spct | Add title, subtitle and caption to a spectral plot |
has_SI_prefix | SI unit prefixes |
multipliers_label | Calibration multipliers axis labels |
multiplot | Multiple plot function |
nearest_SI_exponent | SI unit prefixes |
plot.generic_mspct | Deprecated plot methods |
plot.generic_spct | Deprecated plot methods |
plot.waveband | Deprecated plot methods |
prefix2exponent | SI unit prefixes |
prefix_name2exponent | SI unit prefixes |
Rfr_label | Reflectance axis labels |
Rfr_specular_label | Reflectance axis labels |
Rfr_total_label | Absorptance axis labels |
s.e.action_label | spectral response and action axis labels |
s.e.irrad_label | spectral irradiance axis labels |
s.e.response_label | spectral response and action axis labels |
s.q.action_label | spectral response and action axis labels |
s.q.irrad_label | spectral irradiance axis labels |
s.q.response_label | spectral response and action axis labels |
scale_x_energy_eV_continuous | Energy per photon x-scale |
scale_x_energy_J_continuous | Energy per photon x-scale |
scale_x_frequency_continuous | Frequency x-scale |
scale_x_wavenumber_continuous | Wavenumber x-scale |
scale_x_wl_continuous | Wavelength x-scale |
scale_y_Afr_continuous | Absorptance y-scale |
scale_y_A_continuous | Absorbance y-scale |
scale_y_A_internal_continuous | Absorbance y-scale |
scale_y_A_total_continuous | Absorbance y-scale |
scale_y_counts_continuous | Raw-counts y-scale |
scale_y_counts_tg_continuous | Raw-counts y-scale |
scale_y_cps_continuous | Counts-per-second y-scale |
scale_y_multipliers_continuous | Calibration multipliers y-scale |
scale_y_Rfr_continuous | Reflectance y-scale |
scale_y_Rfr_specular_continuous | Reflectance y-scale |
scale_y_Rfr_total_continuous | Reflectance y-scale |
scale_y_s.e.action_continuous | Spectral response and action y-scales |
scale_y_s.e.irrad_continuous | Spectral irradiance y-scale |
scale_y_s.e.irrad_log10 | Spectral irradiance y-scale |
scale_y_s.e.response_continuous | Spectral response and action y-scales |
scale_y_s.q.action_continuous | Spectral response and action y-scales |
scale_y_s.q.irrad_continuous | Spectral irradiance y-scale |
scale_y_s.q.irrad_log10 | Spectral irradiance y-scale |
scale_y_s.q.response_continuous | Spectral response and action y-scales |
scale_y_Tfr_continuous | Transmittance y-scale |
scale_y_Tfr_internal_continuous | Transmittance y-scale |
scale_y_Tfr_total_continuous | Transmittance y-scale |
sec_axis_energy_eV | Secondary axes for wavelengths |
sec_axis_energy_J | Secondary axes for wavelengths |
sec_axis_wl | Secondary axes for wavelengths |
sec_axis_w_frequency | Secondary axes for wavelengths |
sec_axis_w_number | Secondary axes for wavelengths |
set_annotations_default | Set defaults for autoplot annotations |
set_w.band_default | Set defaults for autoplot annotations |
SI_plain | Formatter for plain labels discounting for SI multipliers |
SI_pl_format | Formatter for plain labels discounting for SI multipliers |
SI_tagged | Formatter for tagged labels using SI multipliers |
SI_tg_format | Formatter for tagged labels using SI multipliers |
stat_color | Calculate colours from wavelength. |
stat_find_qtys | Find quantity value for target wavelength value. |
stat_find_wls | Find wavelength for target quantity value. |
stat_label_peaks | Label peaks and valleys. |
stat_label_valleys | Label peaks and valleys. |
stat_peaks | Find peaks and valleys. |
stat_spikes | Find spikes |
stat_valleys | Find peaks and valleys. |
stat_wb_box | Draw colour boxes for wavebands |
stat_wb_column | Integrate ranges under curve. |
stat_wb_contribution | Integrate ranges under spectral curve. |
stat_wb_e_irrad | Integrate irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_e_sirrad | Integrate spectral irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_hbar | Integrate ranges under curve. |
stat_wb_irrad | Integrate irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_label | Label ranges under spectral curve. |
stat_wb_mean | Integrate ranges under curve. |
stat_wb_q_irrad | Integrate irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_q_sirrad | Integrate spectral irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_relative | Integrate ranges under spectral curve. |
stat_wb_sirrad | Integrate spectral irradiance for wavebands. |
stat_wb_total | Integrate ranges under spectral curve. |
stat_wl_strip | Calculate colours from wavelength. |
stat_wl_summary | Average area under curve for regions. |
Tfr_internal_label | Transmittance axis labels |
Tfr_label | Transmittance axis labels |
Tfr_total_label | Transmittance axis labels |
wl_guide | Calculate colours from wavelength. |
w_energy_eV_label | Wave- axis labels |
w_energy_J_label | Wave- axis labels |
w_frequency | Deprecated functions |
w_frequency_label | Wave- axis labels |
w_length_label | Wave- axis labels |
w_number | Deprecated functions |
w_number_label | Wave- axis labels |