annotation_map_tile | Add background OSM tiles |
annotation_north_arrow | Spatial-aware north arrow |
annotation_scale | Spatial-aware scalebar annotation |
annotation_spatial | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
annotation_spatial.bbox | Add a bounding box to a map |
annotation_spatial.default | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
annotation_spatial.Raster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
annotation_spatial.SpatRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
annotation_spatial.stars | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
annotation_spatial_hline | Projected horizontal and vertical lines |
annotation_spatial_vline | Projected horizontal and vertical lines |
df_spatial | Create a ggplot-friendly data frame from a spatial object |
fixed_plot_aspect | Enforce a plot aspect ratio |
GeomMapTile | Add background OSM tiles |
GeomNorthArrow | Spatial-aware north arrow |
GeomScaleBar | Spatial-aware scalebar annotation |
GeomSpatialRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
GeomSpatialStars | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
GeomSpatialXline | Projected horizontal and vertical lines |
GeomSpatRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
geom_polypath | Polygons with holes in ggplot2 |
geom_spatial_label | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_label_repel | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_path | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_point | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_polygon | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_rect | Projected rectangular regions |
geom_spatial_segment | Spatial line segments |
geom_spatial_text | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_text_repel | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
geom_spatial_tile | Projected rectangular regions |
layer_spatial | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
layer_spatial.bbox | Add a bounding box to a map |
layer_spatial.default | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
layer_spatial.Raster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
layer_spatial.SpatRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
layer_spatial.stars | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
load_longlake_data | Load longlake test data |
north_arrow_fancy_orienteering | North arrow styles |
north_arrow_minimal | North arrow styles |
north_arrow_nautical | North arrow styles |
north_arrow_orienteering | North arrow styles |
shadow_spatial | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
shadow_spatial.bbox | Add a bounding box to a map |
shadow_spatial.default | Turn a spatial object into a ggplot2 layer |
StatSpatialRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
StatSpatialRasterAnnotation | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
StatSpatialRasterDf | Spatial ggplot2 layer for raster objects |
StatSpatialRect | Projected rectangular regions |
StatSpatialSegment | Spatial line segments |
StatSpatialStars | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
StatSpatialStarsAnnotation | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
StatSpatialStarsDf | Spatial ggplot2 layer for stars objects |
StatSpatialTile | Projected rectangular regions |
StatSpatRaster | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
StatSpatRasterAnnotation | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
StatSpatRasterDf | Spatial ggplot2 layer for SpatRaster objects |
stat_spatial_identity | Spatial-aware ggplot2 layers |
xy_transform | Coordinate transform |