position_rescale {ggside}R Documentation

Rescale x or y onto new range in margin


Take the range of the specified axis and rescale it to a new range about a midpoint. By default the range will be calculated from the associated main plot axis mapping. The range will either be the resolution or 5% of the axis range, depending if original data is discrete or continuous respectively. Each layer called with position_rescale will possess an instance value that indexes with axis rescale. By default, each position_rescale will dodge the previous call unless instance is specified to a previous layer.


  rescale = "y",
  midpoint = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  instance = NULL

  rescale = "y",
  midpoint = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  instance = NULL

  rescale = "x",
  midpoint = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  instance = NULL



character value of "x" or "y". specifies which mapping data will be rescaled


default set to NULL. Center point about which the rescaled x/y values will reside.


default set to NULL and auto generates from main mapping range. Specifies the size of the rescaled range.


specifies where position_rescale should try to place midpoint. If midpoint is specified, location is ignored and placed at the specified location.


integer that indexes rescaled axis calls. instance may be specified and if a previous layer with the same instance exists, then the same midpoint and range are used for rescaling. x and y are indexed independently.


An object of class PositionRescale (inherits from Position, ggproto, gg) of length 10.


a ggproto object inheriting from 'Position' and can be added to a ggplot

[Package ggside version 0.3.1 Index]