Pedigree and Genetic Groups

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Documentation for package ‘ggroups’ version 2.1.2

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ggroups-package Pedigree and genetic groups
buildA Relationship matrix *A*
buildD Relationship matrix *D*
gghead Append genetic groups to the pedigree
inb Individual's inbreeding coefficient
inbreed Inbreeding coefficients
mat2tab Matrix to tabular
offspring Descendants of an individual per generation
pedcheck Basic pedigree checks
peddown Downward pedigree extraction
pedup Upward pedigree extraction
pruneped Pedigree pruning
Qgpu Vector *Qg* + *u*
qmat Matrix *Q*
qmatL Matrix *Q* for large pedigrees
qmatXL Matrix *Q* for large pedigrees (parallel processing)
renum Pedigree renumbering
rg Genetic relationship coefficient
smgsped Sire-maternal grandsire (S-MGS) pedigree
tab2mat Tabular to matrix
tabA Relationship matrix *A* in a tabular format
tabAinv Inverse of the relationship matrix *A* in a tabular format
tabD Dominance relationship matrix *D* in a tabular-sparse format
tabDinv Inverse of the dominance relationship matrix *D* in a tabular format