'ggplot' Visualizations for the 'partykit' Package

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Documentation for package ‘ggparty’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

autoplot.constparty autoplot methods for party objects
autoplot.lmtree autoplot methods for party objects
autoplot.modelparty autoplot methods for party objects
autoplot.party autoplot methods for party objects
geom_edge Draw edges
geom_edge_label Draw edge labels
geom_node_info Draw (multi-line) labels at nodes
geom_node_label Draw (multi-line) labels at nodes
geom_node_plot Draw plots at nodes
geom_node_splitvar Draw (multi-line) labels at nodes
get_predictions Create data.frame with predictions for each node
ggparty Create a new ggparty plot
makeContent.nodeplotgrob apparantly needs to be exported