Package Plot Layers for Easier Portability and Modularization

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Documentation for package ‘ggpackets’ version 0.2.1

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ggpackets-package ggpackets: Package Plot Layers for Easier Portability and Modularization
%+% Lazy handler for ggplot addition
+-method A ggpacket object
.all_aesthetics Extracted .all_aesthetics from internal ggplot2 with hardcoded fallback
as.list-method Convert a ggpacket to a list of ggcalls
collapse_data Collapse data arguments
collapse_mappings Collapse aesthetic mappings arguments
deduplicate_params Remove arguments with duplciated names
expand_dots Expand dot arguments into named arguments
filter_by_ggcall_ids Filter a named list by ids
ggpacket A container for lazy ggplot layers
ggpacket-class A ggpacket object
ggpacket-method A ggpacket object
ggpackets ggpackets: Package Plot Layers for Easier Portability and Modularization
ggpacket_call The function used when a 'ggpacket' is called as a function
ggpacket_plus_ANY Swallow calls when a ggpacket is added to any expression
gg_plus_ggpacket Add a gg object to a ggpacket object
handle_reset_mapping Specific handling of ..reset.. aesthetic
length-method Get the number of ggcalls within a ggpacket
match_unnamed_args Match unnamed arguments
names-method Fetch the ids associated with each ggcall
only_formals_and_dots Filter for only arguments that can be accepted by a given function
required_aesthetics Check a ggpacket object for required aesthetic arguments
self Returning the calling object from within a function
show, A ggpacket object
show-method A ggpacket object
smart_swap_mapping_data Mimic ggplot2 behavior of intelligently interpretting first layer argument
substitute_ggcall_dot_aes Substitute a ggcall's dot aesthetics with their redirected values
substitute_quote Substitute a quoted expression in a given environmment
update_data Reduce data parameters, iteratively applying functions or masking
update_mapping Reduce a list of mappings, iteratively routing aesthetics
with_ignore_unknown_params Evaluate an expression, ignoring warnings about unknown parameters
[-method Index into a ggpacket object
[.ggpacket Subset a ggpacket for a selection of ggcalls
[[-method Index into a ggpacket object
[[.ggpacket Subset a ggpacket for a selection of ggcalls