position_stack_ {ggmulti}R Documentation

Stack overlapping objects on top of each another


position_stack_ stacks bars on top of each other, conditional on locations.


position_stack_(vjust = 1, reverse = FALSE)

position_fill_(vjust = 1, reverse = FALSE)



Vertical adjustment for geoms that have a position (like points or lines), not a dimension (like bars or areas). Set to 0 to align with the bottom, 0.5 for the middle, and 1 (the default) for the top.


If TRUE, will reverse the default stacking order. This is useful if you're rotating both the plot and legend.


It is built based on position_stack, but used for multiple locations, such as geom_hist_ or geom_density_. Rather than stack everything on top of each other, position_stack_ stacks bars based on locations. Check examples to see the difference.

See Also

See geom_hist_, geom_density_, geom_serialaxes_density and geom_serialaxes_hist for more examples.

Other position adjustments for multiple locations: position_identity_, position_dodge_, position_dodge2_

Parent: position_stack


p <- ggplot(iris,
       mapping = aes(Sepal.Length = Sepal.Length,
                     Sepal.Width = Sepal.Width,
                     Petal.Length = Petal.Length,
                     Petal.Width = Petal.Width,
                     colour = Species))
p +
 geom_serialaxes_density(position = position_stack_())

p +
  geom_serialaxes_density(position = position_stack())

[Package ggmulti version 1.0.7 Index]