Create Muller Plots of Evolutionary Dynamics

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Documentation for package ‘ggmuller’ version 0.5.6

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add_empty_pop Modify a dataframe to enable plotting of populations instead of frequencies
add_start_points Add rows to a population dataframe to ensure genotype starting points are plotted correctly
adj_matrix_to_tree Create a tree object of class "phylo" from an adjacency matrix
branch_singles Add branches of length zero to get rid of single nodes in an adjacency matrix
example_df Example dataframe
example_edges Example adjacency matrix
example_pop_df Example population dataframe
find_start_node Move to top of adjacency matrix
get_edges Extract an adjacency matrix from a larger data frame
get_Muller_df Create a data frame from which to create a Muller plot
get_population_df Extract population data from a larger data frame
move_down Move to daughter in adjacency matrix
move_right Move to sibling in adjacency matrix
move_up Move to parent in adjacency matrix
Muller_plot Draw a Muller plot of frequencies using ggplot2
Muller_pop_plot Draw a Muller plot of population sizes using ggplot2
path_vector Record a path through all nodes of an adjacency matrix
reorder_by_vector Reorder a Muller plot dataframe by a vector