admixed |
Simulated Dataset with 1D Geography |
coef.ggmix_fit |
Make predictions from a 'ggmix_fit' object |
coef.ggmix_gic |
Make predictions from a 'ggmix_gic' object |
fn_eta_lasso_fullrank |
Functions related to eta parameter used in optim and kkt checks |
gen_structured_model |
Simulation Scenario from Bhatnagar et al. (2018+) ggmix paper |
ggmix |
Fit Linear Mixed Model with Lasso or Group Lasso Regularization |
ggmix_data_object |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
gic |
Generalised Information Criterion |
gic.default |
Generalised Information Criterion |
gic.ggmix_fit |
Generalised Information Criterion |
grr_beta0 |
Check of KKT Conditions for Linear Mixed Model |
grr_sigma2 |
Check of KKT Conditions for Linear Mixed Model |
gr_eta_lasso_fullrank |
Functions related to eta parameter used in optim and kkt checks |
karim |
Karim's Simulated Data |
kkt_check |
Check of KKT Conditions for Linear Mixed Model |
lambdalasso |
Estimation of Lambda Sequence for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
lambdalasso.default |
Estimation of Lambda Sequence for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
lambdalasso.fullrank |
Estimation of Lambda Sequence for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
lmmlasso |
Estimation of Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
lmmlasso.default |
Estimation of Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
lmmlasso.fullrank |
Estimation of Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
logliklasso |
Estimation of Log-likelihood for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
logliklasso.default |
Estimation of Log-likelihood for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
logliklasso.fullrank |
Estimation of Log-likelihood for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
new_fullrank_K |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
new_fullrank_kinship |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
new_fullrank_UD |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
new_lowrank_K |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
new_lowrank_kinship |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
new_lowrank_UD |
Constructor functions for the different ggmix objects |
plot.ggmix_fit |
Plot Method for 'ggmix_fit' object |
plot.ggmix_gic |
Plot the Generalised Information Criteria curve produced by 'gic' |
plotCoef |
Plot Method for 'ggmix_fit' object |
plotGIC |
Plot the Generalised Information Criteria curve produced by 'gic' |
predict.ggmix_fit |
Make predictions from a 'ggmix_fit' object |
predict.ggmix_gic |
Make predictions from a 'ggmix_gic' object |
print.ggmix_fit |
Print Method for Objects of Class 'ggmix_fit' |
print.ggmix_gic |
Print Method for Objects of Class 'ggmix_fit' |
random.effects |
Extract Random Effects |
random.effects.default |
Extract Random Effects |
ranef |
Extract Random Effects |
ranef.default |
Extract Random Effects |
ranef.ggmix_gic |
Extract Random Effects |
sigma2lasso |
Estimation of Sigma2 for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
sigma2lasso.default |
Estimation of Sigma2 for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |
sigma2lasso.fullrank |
Estimation of Sigma2 for Linear Mixed Model with Lasso Penalty |