Tools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference

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Documentation for package ‘ggmcmc’ version

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ggmcmc-package Wrapper function that creates a single pdf file with all plots that ggmcmc can produce.
ac Calculate the autocorrelation of a single chain, for a specified amount of lags
binary Simulated data for a binary logistic regression and its MCMC samples
calc_bin Calculate binwidths by parameter, based on the total number of bins.
ci Calculate Credible Intervals (wide and narrow).
custom.sort Auxiliary function that sorts Parameter names taking into account numeric values
get_family Subset a ggs object to get only the parameters with a given regular expression.
ggmcmc Wrapper function that creates a single pdf file with all plots that ggmcmc can produce.
ggs Import MCMC samples into a ggs object than can be used by all ggs_* graphical functions.
ggs_autocorrelation Plot an autocorrelation matrix
ggs_caterpillar Caterpillar plot with thick and thin CI
ggs_chain Auxiliary function that extracts information from a single chain.
ggs_compare_partial Density plots comparing the distribution of the whole chain with only its last part.
ggs_crosscorrelation Plot the Cross-correlation between-chains
ggs_density Density plots of the chains
ggs_diagnostics Formal diagnostics of convergence and sampling quality
ggs_effective Dotplot of the effective number of independent draws
ggs_geweke Dotplot of the Geweke diagnostic, the standard Z-score
ggs_grb Gelman-Rubin-Brooks plot (Rhat shrinkage)
ggs_histogram Histograms of the paramters.
ggs_pairs Create a plot matrix of posterior simulations
ggs_pcp Plot for model fit of binary response variables: percent correctly predicted
ggs_ppmean Posterior predictive plot comparing the outcome mean vs the distribution of the predicted posterior means.
ggs_ppsd Posterior predictive plot comparing the outcome standard deviation vs the distribution of the predicted posterior standard deviations.
ggs_Rhat Dotplot of Potential Scale Reduction Factor (Rhat)
ggs_rocplot Receiver-Operator Characteristic (ROC) plot for models with binary outcomes
ggs_running Running means of the chains
ggs_separation Separation plot for models with binary response variables
ggs_traceplot Traceplot of the chains
gl_unq Generate a factor with unequal number of repetitions.
linear Simulated data for a continuous linear regression and its MCMC samples
plab Generate a data frame suitable for matching parameter names with their labels
radon Simulations of the parameters of a hierarchical model
roc_calc Calculate the ROC curve for a set of observed outcomes and predicted probabilities
s Simulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
s.binary Simulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake data.
s.y.rep Simulations of the posterior predictive distribution of a simple linear regression with fake data.
sde0f Spectral Density Estimate at Zero Frequency.
y Values for the observed outcome of a simple linear regression with fake data.
y.binary Values for the observed outcome of a binary logistic regression with fake data.