Make Interactive 'ggplot2'. Extension to 'ggplot2' and 'ggiraph'

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Documentation for package ‘ggiraphExtra’ version 0.3.0

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addLabelDf Add value labels to the data.frame
browsers Browser market share 2011
coord_radar The radar coordinate system is a modification of polar coordinate system, commonly used for radar chart
getMapping extract variable name from mapping, aes
ggAncova Make an interactive plot for an ANCOVA model
ggAncova.default Make an interactive plot for an ANCOVA model
ggAncova.formula Make an interactive plot for an ANCOVA model
ggAncova.lm Make an interactive plot for an ANCOVA model
ggArea Draw an interactive area plot
ggBar Draw an interactive barplot
ggBoxplot Draw boxplots of a data.frame
ggCatepillar Make an interactive catepillar plot
ggChoropleth Draw an interactive choropleth map
ggCLE Draw a cleveland dot plot
ggCor Draw a heatmap of correlation test
ggDensity Make a density plot with histogram
ggDonut Draw a Donut plot
ggDot Draw a Wilkinson dot plot
ggEffect Visualize the effect of interaction between two continuous independent variables on a response variable
ggEffect.default Visualize the effect of interaction between two continuous independent variables on a response variable
ggEffect.formula Visualize the effect of interaction between two continuous independent variables on a response variable
ggEffect.lm Visualize the effect of interaction between two continuous independent variables on a response variable
ggErrorBar Make an interactive bar plot with error bar
ggHeatmap Make an interactive Heatmap
ggHSD Draw Tukey Honest Significant Differences plot
ggPair Make an interactive scatter and line plot
ggPie Draw a pie plot
ggPieDonut Draw a Pie and Donut plot
ggPoints Make an interactive scatterplot with regression line(s)
ggPredict Visualize predictions from the multiple regression models.
ggRadar Draw a radar chart
ggRose Draw an interactive Rose plot
ggSpine Draw an interactive spinogram
ggViolin Draw violin plots of a data.frame
makeEq Make a regression equation of a model
model2df Make a data.frame of yhat with a model
myscale Rescale a vector with which minimum value 0 and maximum value 1
myscale2 Rescale a vector with which minimum value 0 and maximum value 1
newColName find new column name
num2cut Computing breaks for make a histogram of a continuous variable
num2factorDf Make numeric column of a data.frame to factor
p2chr Convert p values to character
palette2colors Extract colors from a palette
pastecolon Paste character vectors separated by colon
pastecomma Add comma to vectors
rescale_df Rescale all numeric variables of a data.frame except grouping variable
rose Rose sales among 7 groups in a year
subcolors Make a subcolors according to the mainCol
summarySE Summarize a continuous variable by groups with mean, sd and SE
taco Taco ratings by age group
theme_clean Clean theme for PieDonut plot
theme_clean2 Clean theme for ggCor
unselectNumeric Unselect numeric column of a data.frame